Monday, September 30, 2019
What Weapons and Transportation Machines Were Improved the Most Between World War One and World War Two?
What Weapons and Transportation Machines were Improved the Most between World War One and World War Two? During World War One, tanks, guns, chemical weapons, bombs, airplanes, ships, submarines and grenades were used to kill. A lot of these weapons and machines were difficult to use, really easy to destroy, too heavy, didn't last too long, not accurate enough, and didn't shoot too far. The weapons and Transportation machines were improved in World War Two to make it easier to kill; therefore soldiers would kill more of the enemies. Also, if the machines were too easy to destroy, they improved them or eliminated them. New technologies were invented after World War One because the soldiers realized that they needed better strategies to kill the enemies without themselves getting injured and killed. Some of those technologies were used for defensive purposes as well. For example, the radar was a new technology that was used to identify where the enemies are so they could kill them, and the radar was used to identify when the enemies were attacking so that they could defend ahead of time. Transportation machines such as airplanes, tanks, submarines, ships, and weapons such as different types of guns were improved in World War Two. Airplanes, tanks, submarines, and ships used in World War One were improved for World War Two. Airplanes in World War One didn’t have as much technology as in World War Two and couldn’t fly a long distance in a short amount of time like the planes from World War Two used to fly. Airplanes in World War Two had more space for bombs on board and they had radars. Tanks in World War Two had more weight than in World War One, meaning that they had more metal on them so bullets wouldn’t damage the tanks easily. In World War One war most tanks would have a range of 25 miles[1], while in World War Two a tank could reach the range of 400km[2], which is 248. 5 miles. The armor inside the tank also increased, that’s why the tanks got heavier in World War Two. Submarines had more deck guns in World War Two because more guns were invented during World War Two[3]. The Radar was invented after World War One and before World War Two; therefore they installed the radar in the submarines for World War Two. The Submarines in World War Two had air conditioning and new battery-powered engines, which was not used in World War One either[4]. The ships in World War One didn’t have radars because the radar was invented after World War One. Ships in World War Two had the radars installed, got their speed increased, and the cannon range increased as well. The usage of machine guns in World War One brought new ideas to built better models of machine guns and submachine guns in World War Two. MP40 is a submachine gun that was produced from 1940 to 1945. The MP40 is an automatic gun, and it’s really accurate. Its effective range is 100 meters, and its rate of fire is 550 rounds per minute. 5] Another model of a commonly used submachine gun is the Thompson. This submachine gun was produced in 1921. The Thompson is an automatic gun as well. It is very accurate, and the fire rate is very high: 800-850 rounds per minute. Its effective range is 50 meters. [6] A very commonly used and successful machine gun is the SG-43, which was in service from 1943-1968. This machine gun was gas operated, and it wa s automatic. The machine guns in World War One were not gas operated and didn’t have the rate of fire that the machine guns from World War Two have. The rate of fire from the SG-43, which was used in World War Two, is 500-700 rounds per minute,[7] while a machine gun from World War One would only fire 400-600 small-calibre rounds per minute. [8] The performance of the rifles in World War One was really poor; therefore they improved some rifles and even made new models for World War Two. Rifles in World War One would usually fire only 15 rounds per minute. Their range was about 1,400 meters, but the accuracy could only be guaranteed at around 600 meters. [9] Before World War Two, the performance of the rifles was improved and new Rifles were created. The STG-44 was a gas-operated assault rifle that was developed during World War Two in 1942. Its effective range is 300 meters, but its fire rate was 500-600 rounds per minute. [10] The Karabiner 98k is a bolt-action rifle that was produced from 1935-1945. Its effective range with iron sights is 500 meters, and over 800 meters with optics. [11] The M1 Garand is a gas-operated semi-automatic rifle that was produced from 1936-1957. Its effective range was 402 meters. [12] All weapons and transportation machines such as airplanes, tanks, submarines, nd ships that were used in World War One had a poor performance; therefore they were improved before and during World War Two. Works Cited Day, V. , 14, A. , 1945. , produced, o. f. , & Army, m. t. (n. d. ). Rifle, Cal. .30 06, M1, Garand. GlobalSecurity. org – Reliable Security Information. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from: http://www. globalsecurity. org/military/systems/ground/m1garand. htm (February 6, 2010). StG 44. Retrieved Fe bruary 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stg_44 (February 16, 2010). Karabiner 98k. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Kar98 (February 16, 2010) M1 Garand. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/M1_garand (February 16, 2010). MP 40. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/MP40 (February 14, 2010). Thompson submachine gun. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Thompson_submachine_gun First World War. com – Weapons of War: Rifles. (n. d. ). First World War. com – A Multimedia History of World War One. Retrieved March 3, 2010, from: http://www. firstworldwar. om/weaponry/rifles. htm guns, 1. h. (n. d. ). First World War. com – Weapons of War: Machine Guns. First World War. com – A Multimedia History of World War One. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from: ht tp://www. firstworldwar. com/weaponry/machineguns. htm I, t. e. (n. d. ). World War One, The Submarine. World History International: World History Essays From Prehistory To The Present. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from: http://history-world. org/world_war_i_and_the_submarine. htm (January 4, 2010). SG-43 Goryunov. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/SG-43 Rusty coot. (2010) What is the difference between World War 1 submarines and World War 2 submarines?. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from WikiAnswers website: http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_World_War_1_sub marines_and_World_War_2_submarines St. Christopher House & The Working Group Inc. (2004). World War II Tanks. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from The Valour and the Horror website: http://www. valourandhorror. com/DB/SPEC/WW2tanks. php (Thursday, February 13, 2003). WW1 Tanks & Cars. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from Mailer. fsu. edu website: ttp://mailer. fsu. edu/~akirk/tanks/ww1/WW1. html â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Katya Kuersteiner, Witold J. Lawrynowicz, John Stevens, Auke Smit, John Wilson, (February 13, 2003). â€Å"WWI Tanks & Cars†. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from Mailer. fsu. edu website: http://mailer. fsu. edu/~akirk/tanks/ww1/WW1. html [2] (2004). â€Å"World War II Tanks†. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from The Valour and the Horror website: http://www. valourandhorror. com/DB/SPEC/WW2tanks. php [3] â€Å"World War One, The Submarine†. Retrieved February 16, 2010, from: http://history-world. org/world_war_i_and_the_submarine. htm [4] (2010). What is the difference between World War 1 submarines and World War 2 submarines? †Retrieved February 16, 2010 from WikiAnswers website: http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_World_War_1_submarines_and_Wo rld_War_2_submarines [5] (February 16, 2010) â€Å"MP40†. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/MP40 [6] (February 14, 2010). â€Å"Thompson submachine gun†. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Thompson_submachine_gun [7] (January 4, 2010). â€Å"SG-43 Goryunov†. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/SG-43 [8] Michael Duffy, (22 August, 2009). â€Å"Weapons of War – Machine Guns†. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from: http://www. firstworldwar. com/weaponry/machineguns. htm [9] Michael Duffy, (22 August, 2009). â€Å"Weapons of War – Rifles†Retrieved March 2, 2010, from: http://www. firstworldwar. com/weaponry/rifles. htm [10] (February 6, 2010). â€Å"StG 44†. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stg_44 [11] (February 16, 2010). â€Å"Karabiner 98k†. Retrieved February 16, 2010 from Wikipedia website: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kar98
Experiencing Violence in the Workplace Essay
Diagnosis of â€Å"Andrea C.: Experiencing Violence in the Workplace†Being able to form a diagnosis properly for a client is a process that is wide-ranging and broad. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013) supports recommendations and standards for identifying a diagnosis for a client. The procedure of diagnosing is more than skimming for symptoms in the DSM; one must assess, interview and identify issues, as well as refer to the DSM for a diagnosis. Case Study: Andrea C Andrea C. a company manager, is forty-nine and divorced. The location of the building where she was employed was an isolated part of the town. Her job duties included opening and preparing the office each day. The location of the office and being alone in the morning give Andrea a sense of fear and uneasiness. Andrea shared her concerns about her safety with her superiors at work. Disappointingly, before the issue was addressed Andrea was brutally assaulted while opening the office one morning. Andrea was beaten unconscious, nose broken, cuts to the face and neck, stabbed multiple times, sexually assault was attempted (Butcher et al., 2013). As a result of the attack, Andrea endured â€Å"a fractured skull, fractured nose, multiple stab wounds on her body, facial injuries, dizziness, impaired balance, wrist pain, residual cognitive symptoms from being unconscious, poor memory, intense anxiety, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress†(Butcher et al., 2013, p. 117). Based on the case study, her diagnosis is as follows: 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, With Dissociative Symptoms (F43.10) 300.82 Somatic Symptom Disorder V62.89 Victim of Crime (Z65.4) Rationale Hansell and Damour (2008) explain stress disorder trauma as an emotionally overcoming experience where either real or apparent likelihood of loss of life or grave injury to self or a significant other. The DSM (APA, 2013) explains that a client who experiences PTSD must face one or more of the following symptoms: direct experience with a traumatic event, witness an event, learn of a traumatic event related to a close friend or family, and extreme or repeated exposure to traumatic events. Andreas experience was directly related to her own personal involvement with a traumatic event. Andrea experiences intrusion symptoms; these symptoms arrive suddenly and occur when memories of the previous traumatic event plague your life (APA, 2013). Andrea expresses that she has a solid fear of returning to work (Butcher et al. 2013). Andrea’s opposition to return to work can be considered a â€Å"persistent avoidance of stimuli†(APA, 2013, p. 271). Andrea is feeling hopeless, guilty and withdrawn (Butcher et al. 2013) showing that Andrea is having â€Å"negative alterations in cognitions†(APA, 2013, p. 271). Andrea is also exhibiting hypersensitivity towards undertakings and activities stating that they are debilitating. Andrea also speaks of memory problems. Somatoform are physical symptoms triggered through psychological factors (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Consider â€Å"somatic presentations can be viewed as expressions of personal suffering inserted in a cultural and social context†(APA, 2013, p. 310). Andrea expresses somatic symptom disorder through multiple symptoms. Andrea’s physical grievances are excessive, suggesting her need for attention. She states that she is in a tremendous amount of pain and easily agitated and hostile if others do not take her seriously (Butcher et al., 2013). It seems that Andreas lasting psychological problems are being revealed as physical symptoms. Andrea is experiencing two of the symptoms, excessive feelings and thoughts (APA, 2013) that are related to somatic disorder. Other factors and data relevant to the assessment, treatment, and diagnosis of Andrea is the fact that she was a victim of a crime. Andrea may have image issues related to the scars associated with the attack she received, causing her shame, embarrassment or uneasiness. Andrea’s incapability to return to work and her related symptoms are negatively affecting her life. These issues are results of being the victim of a crime. Conclusion Providing Andrea with a diagnosis is no simple task. Andrea exhibits several different symptoms, hence, providing comorbidity. The diagnosis I offer is accurate from the data supported in Andrea’s case and from the assessment. With data gathered from the DSM, the MMPI, Andrea’s case study, I conclude that the diagnosis of PTSD, Somatic Symptom Disorder and Victim of a crime are applicable to Andrea. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).Arlington, VA: Author. Butcher, J. N., Hooley, J. M., & Mineka, S. (2013). Abnormal psychology (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Hansell, J. & Damour, L. (2008). Abnormal psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Gigantism and Dwarfism Essay
When the pituitary gland overproduces the growth hormone a rare disorder known as Acromegaly or gigantism may develop. The overproduction of the growth hormone most of the time is caused by a tumor. Swelling and thickening of the skin, growth and enlargement of the bones, especially if the hands, feet and face are caused by excess growth hormone. Acromegaly or gigantism is a rare hormonal disorder than can develop when your pituitary gland overproduces the growth hormone. Most of the time this overproduction of the growth hormone is caused by a tumor. The excess growth hormone causes swelling, thickening of the skin, tissue growth and enlargement of the bones, especially in the hands, feet and face. The overproduction of the growth hormone in children can lead to a condition known as gigantism. This may lead to an abnormal increase in the height and bone growth. Overproduction of the growth hormone in middle aged adults causes acromegaly. The treatment of choice in pituitary tumors is surgery. When surgery cannot be performed or if the entire tumor cannot be removed, then the treatment of choice is medications. Somatostatin analogues (SSA) are synthetic versions of the hormone in the brain somatostatin. Two SSA’s are octreotide (Sandostatin, Sandostatin LAR) and lanreotide (Somatuline Depot). Somatostatin is a hormone that inhibits the release of the growth hormone. SSA’s can decrease the growth hormone levels by blocking the excess production in the pituitary gland. Common side effects are pain at the injection site, intestinal cramping, diarrhea and gallbladder problems. Growth hormone receptor antagonists (GHRAs). The medication pegvisomant (Somavert) blocks the effect of growth hormone on the body tissues. It is administered daily by a subcutaneous injection. This medication can normalize growth hormone levels and relieve symptoms in most people affected by acromegaly. Some common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue. Dopamine agonists such as Cabergoline (Dostinex) and bromocroptine (Parlodel) are given to reduce production of the growth hormone and to shrink tumors. Both of these medications can be taken orally in pill form. They are not as effective as the SSA’s and GHRA’s. Sometimes doctors will prescribe a combination of Dopamine agonists with somatostatin analogues for treatment. Side effects that are common include headache, nausea and intestinal cramping. Pegvisomant has been used to treat acromegaly, or gigantism. It is a form of a growth hormone antagonist known as B2036. This growth hormone has increased disposition in one binding site and a lowered disposition in the second binding site. It has been shown that this molecule still enables reaction of the growth hormone receptor at the cell surface, but does not allow the necessary conformational changes. A growth hormone deficiency may result in a condition known as dwarfism. Dwarfism can be defined as a short height, that is the result of a genetic or medical condition. Adults with dwarfism are usually less than four feet ten inches tall. Treatments for conditions relating to dwarfism do not increase height, but may lessen complications. Surgery is one treatment option for dwarfism. Some of the common procedures that are done surgically are to insert metal staples into the ends of long bones into the growth plate in order to correct the direction that the bones are growing. They can divide a limb bone, straighten it and insert a metal plate to hold it in place. They may insert rods or staples to correct the shape of the spine. They may increase the size of the opening in the vertebrae to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord. Lengthening of the limbs is a treatment choice of people with dwarfism. During this procedure, the surgeon divides a long bone into two or more sections, slightly separates the sections and braces the bone and the limb with external metal â€Å"scaffolding†. Pins and screws on this frame are periodically adjusted to keep the tension between the sections, enabling the bone to grow back together gradually into a complete and longer bone. Dwarfism is treated with injections of a synthetic version of the growth hormone. Children receive injections daily for several years until they reach a maximum adult height. Often this is the average adult range for their family. People with dwarfism may encounter discrimination. Family support, social networks, advocacy groups and adaptive products enable most people with dwarfism to address challenges in educational, work and social settings. Growth hormone deficiency is treated with injections of a synthetic version of the hormone. In most cases, children receive daily injections for several years until they reach a maximum adult height  often within the average adult range for their family. Treatment may continue throughout adolescence and early adulthood to ensure adult maturation, such as appropriate gain in muscle or fat. The treatment may be supplemented with other related hormones if they are also deficient. Treatment for girls with Turner syndrome also requires estrogen and related hormone therapy in order for them to begin puberty and achieve adult sexual development. Estrogen replacement therapy usually continues throughout life until a woman reaches the average age of menopaus
Friday, September 27, 2019
Conclution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Conclution - Essay Example A fewcalculations were requiredfor making this piece in SolidWorks. The second stage used SURFCAM to define the stock size, shaping tools, feeds and speeds.The SURFCAMsoftware also definedeach tool path. The third stage involved generating the G-code for machine the piece. During the fourth stage, the G-code was transferred to the HAAS machine using the GibbsCAM software in the machine shop. The final stage included loading the tools, selecting the zero points for each tool with the stock and running the machine to build the block. To start, a new file was open with a sketch on the front plane. Drawing from the origin, a center rectangle was drawn with dimensions of six in. on the x-axis and four in. on the y-axis. Fully defined, a fillet was then made with the radius of 0.250 in. on all corners. Following that, the rectangle was extrudedwith a one in. depth. After the extrusion, the upper portion of holes to be drilled was worked on next. The first hole, which was drawn for a linear pattern, was placed at the top left corner with a 0.250 in. diameter and an extruded cut depth of 0.250 in.The distance on the x-axis from the left edge to the center of the circle right, had a dimension of 0.500 in. indention. From the topof the rectangle to the center of the circle down, a dimension of 0.500 in. was also added. From here, a linear pattern was used to generate six holes by patterning with the x-axis with a distance of 0.43 in. from the center of one circle to the next. The step that proceeded with the drilling of the upper portion of the holes came to an extruded cut of a filleted rectangle with dimensions of 1.25 in. on the y-axis and 2.250 in. on the x-axis with an extruded cut of 0.250 in.This rectangle was to be positioned at the bottom left corner of the part with a dimension from the bottom edge of the part up to the bottom of the rectangle of 0.38 in.This same dimension was to be added to the left edge of the part towards the right
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Hollywood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Hollywood - Essay Example It virtually thrilled the viewers in many scenes by making them feel horrified of what might happen. What are the principal themes in Rear Window? In other words, what is the film about? Bear in mind that this is a different issue than thinking about what happens in the film (though they are closely related of course). What are the bigger ideas to which the film is pointing us? Voyeurism is an important underlying theme of the movie which points to bigger concerns in life. More than his exotic girlfriend, Jeff seems more interested in spying on his neighbors’ activities. He is always sitting by the window looking at what his neighbors are doing which also infuriates his girlfriend. This character is also described by Hitchcock himself as â€Å"a real Peeping Tom†(Arnold and Stafford). Identify a number of different analytical positions from which we can approach any film. Define each of them briefly and explain why a feminist perspective has been used so frequently to explain Rear Window. Rear Window has been so frequently analyzed by a feminist perspective because this film and many other Hollywood movies have demonstrated a negative attitude towards women. Women have traditionally been portrayed as dumb blondes who cannot be as shrewd as male protagonists. Lisa keeps changing her clothes to please Jeff who remains in his pajamas throughout the film. Rear Window is now nearly 60 years old. To what extent has it maintained is ability to create fear, panic, and tension in an audience? Do you think it would be a â€Å"better†film if Hitchcock had had access to the kinds of seamless special effects we see in modern movies? No, Rear Window is a masterpiece which cannot be perfected by use of special effects. This is because instead of investing in expensive special effects, Hitchcock seems more interested in giving glory back to the artists. It emphasizes on exclusion of special effects. Instead, emphasis is laid by
ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES - Assignment Example For good which are substitutes (eg. Tea and coffee), the increase in price of one product leads to an increase in demand for others and this therefore gives a positive figure for cross elasticity of demands. For complementary goods like DVD player and DVDs, the cross elasticity of demand is a negative figure since when the demand for one product goes up, the quantity demanded of the complement also falls. The most major determinant of demand in such cases is price of the substitute / complement good. Income elasticity of demand is an economic concept which measures the responsiveness in the quantity demanded of a product to a change in the the income level of a person. It can simply be measured by the formula : percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in income level. There are two types of goods, normal goods and inferior goods. The demand for normal goods goes up as income rises and this gives a positive income elasticity of demand. Then there are inferior goods, the demand for which goes down as income level rises (eg. People would prefer eating chicken meat as compared to raw onions when their income rises) and they result in a negative figure for income elasticity of demand. Our product, the Magpie has a price elasticity of demand of 2.7. What this figure means is that the demand of this product is highly sensitive to a change in its price. To put it very simply, if the price of Magpie goes down by 1% then its demand would go up by 2.7% and viceversa. It is somewhat difficult to change the price of the products that have an elastic demand as such a step might cause the demand to fall my a huge margin. Same is the case with Magpie. In this case an increase in price might mean we lose out our sales to out competitors and this face a decline in profits. It also means that if we decrease out prices we would be able to sell a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Discussion questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Discussion questions - Assignment Example In order to stabilize its revenue, the organization should also consider venturing into mining and manufacturing especially in those areas that will directly determine the supply of its raw materials. As with other big organizations, virgin group should also venture in to the financial market to boost its revenue in the unstable global markets. Renewable energy sector is another promising area that virgin group can venture in since as the world moves from the conventional sources of energy such as petroleum products, the demand for renewable sources of energy is likely to increase which translates to profits for virgin group (Barwise & Meehan, 2010). Other companies that have built their value proposition on image include McDonalds, which specializes in fast foods; the company has built an image as the best source of fast food in America. Apple is another company that has also built its value on its image proposition on its communication gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and personal
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Oil and Nigeria Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Oil and Nigeria - Research Paper Example This found it into formalizing its trade by joining organizations formed by the colleagues in the oil exporting field in 1977. This also led to the introduction and gazzetting of Nigerian petroleum Production Company in the same year which was owned and managed by the Nigerian government. The shell oil company commenced with the oil production I Aloibiri immediately after discovery leading to attainment of production levels of about 2 million barrels in a day of crude oil. The economic recession that was experienced world wide in the 80’s saw Nigeria income from oil to decline sharply but later on came to regain in the early 2000’s after the economic recovery up to 2.5 million barrels. Nigerian governments have been having developmental programmes among them being raising the oil production to about 4 million barrels in a day. As a result of this trade dominating as a Nigerian only source of accounting to 90% of the gross earnings implying that the other economic factor s that were initially regarded as the countries chief economic activities like farming were no longer paid attention for. Corruption in Nigeria oil There has been a series of corruption activities in the oil industry since the time Nigerians realized the monitorial strength the country has been having. This was brought about mostly by the greed developed by the major stake holders to mass wealth by altering of information and hiding of others (Kurtz 123). Nigeria having being ranked as the eighth largest producing company and its level of corruption especially when it comes to oppressing the public and hence led to a loud outcry through out the country. This led to the current president to take the initiative to provide strategies for ending corruption on oil as a tool to win voted in the upcoming elections. Nigerians oil content has an exemplary content of having a large gasoline content which made it to be a hot cake product especially by the American countries. This therefore att racted many foreign investors into this lucrative business whereby a lot of interests had to exchange hands for them to survive in the industry. Ironically, despite the quantities of money made daily in this field, Nigeria is one of the top countries in Africa to record extremely poor people in the rural areas having more than 100 million of its population surviving on less than 1$ in a day (Koehn 121). It has been an embarrassing figure from the UN statistics when the percentage of the population living in abject poverty in such a nation exceeding 60 %. The major reason was known to be corruption which led to the amassing of wealth by the few greedy and also creating loop holes for the looting of the nation’s natural resources at the expense of the poor citizens. A research by Reuters has shown that despite promises by the government to eliminate corruption and sealing all the loop holes there has been disappearance of resources worth billions of dollars due the corrupt deal s from both the Nigerian leaders and dubious foreign investors. This led to the population going to the streets early this year and protests the countries over involvement in corruption deals. The major cry was the concerned of a prolonged increase in prices of oil in a producing country as a result of the subsidized graft disappearing into the pockets of few greedy leaders .This
Monday, September 23, 2019
Project 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Project 3 - Essay Example In case the tenant damages any property within the apartment, the law provides that it should be tabulated and written down. In case the landlord has any intentions to withhold, the security amount, the same should be communicated to in advance. On the other hand, the tenant has certain rights within the frame work of law. Sec 8-211 provides that the tenant could make repairs and deduct the commensurate amount from the rent. On the other hand, the landlord has a duty to mitigate the effects of the damages through initiatives such as re renting the premises. The law provides that in cases where the lease in question is one of 1 year, a three months’ notice should be given. There is however, an exception in case of farm tenancies that run for 6 months. In case the tenants- landlord agreement is a month to month, there should be one month notice. It is now proper to turn to instances where there is breach or violation of lease agreement, Sec 402.1(a)(1) provides that eviction notice should be given 30 days. However, in cases where the tenant poses a great danger it should be given 14 days. The landlord has the obligation of abiding by the laws when terminating the lease agreement. In this respect, the landlord is barred by the law to take possession of the leased property unless within the confines of the law. On the same note the landlord can only take possession of the tenant’s property only in case the tenant does not give legal notice on exit. Before the tenants enter any premise, the landlord has the duty to disclose all the relevant information. Within such information should be the right of the tenants, the landlord’s right to inspect the premises. Within such information should also be the person whom the landlord may direct to act on their behalf. Based on the above provisions, it is now in order to discuss the matters that relate to the case above. It is evident
Sunday, September 22, 2019
A Study in Adaptation Essay Example for Free
A Study in Adaptation Essay Among the monographs found in the Culture and Ecology in East Africa Project is that of the work of Walter Goldschmit, entitled â€Å"The Sebei: A Study in Adaptiona. †It is among the ethnographic studies conducted to shed light on a particular community, which is that of Sebei. The project previously mentioned to which the monograph belongs is that of the University of California in Los Angeles which also carries the research design that was followed by the entire project (Mead 938). It has become important to evaluate this study because of the important role it plays in the field of ethnography and in the lives of the Sebei people. This paper will include the synopsis, a critique of the book, and the relationship with the materials and discussions found in the class. Synopsis of the Book The book primarily focuses on the people of Sebei, the socio-economic modes followed by the people there, and the adaptations which has happened throughout the existence of the community. People from Sebei speak Nilotic and have a connection with the Nandi and Kipsigis (MacGaffey 110). These people lives in the southeastern portion of Uganda and the elements of this community which has been discussed include the â€Å"history, environment, policy, social organization, animal husbandry, agriculture, a cash economy, sexual roles and marriage, child rearing, initiation, and the Sebei belief system†(Beidelman 542). The wide variety of the factors that have been covered in the study has been instrumental to the focus of the book, which is that of the ways of living of the people and how they have economically survived the environment they lived in. There are two environments which have been considered in the book to show the adaptive processes of the community under study. One is the area which is well-watered and is situated in the slopes of the mountains and the second is in the dry lands of the plains. With the conditions found in the said communities, there are also adaptive measures which have been taken by the people in terms of the production of their food and ways of living. One community concentrated on the hunting and gathering means of production because of the factors in the environment which makes this the most acceptable form of gathering food and sustaining the needs of the community. On the other hand, it is agriculture which has become the primary mode of economic production followed because of the availability of fertile soil that could be used for crops. Moreover, access to water is available that makes this a better option for the people. More so, it is seen to be the most effective in consideration of the available resources and conditions for the people. Economics-wise, this is the best methods for the respective communities discussed. Through time, it has been proven that Sebei people have the capability to adapt easily to changes in their environment and new situations which they are placed in (Mead 938). It has been shown in the book that the people have been able to be in contact with the Europeans when this group has been in a point where they are trying to adapt with the demands brought about by intra-African connections. The flexibility in adapting to such cultures has been carried out by the group by following the previous methods which have been used before by the group. It has been proven to be an effective pattern for the people since their first interaction with other cultures. Critique of the Book This particular book can be considered as one of the best monographs that have been written of an Ugandan community because of its succinctness and thoroughness. The ability of the author to present facts and data near what is real is considered to be a vital element of the author’s work. The author’s ability to record and research the past of the community has been helpful. The author, himself, has done quite an extensive job in proving the authenticity of his claims where there are primary evidences, such as photos, that has been shown together with the narratives provided. In writing a book, the ability of the author to provide evidences, especially in the field of ethnography, is considered to be vital in establishing the credibility and authenticity of the monograph. In a sense, this adds to the ability of the monograph to convince its readers that what is being said and shown in the account is true. Moreover, the book has shown one community but the picture that has been drawn and what has been learned over the discussions made of the particular community studied can be used in order to understand the African perspective. More so, the means of adoption that has been studied can be taken to a larger picture where it is also seen to exist in other areas and in different times. It has been found that the general perspective that can be used in order to interpret that of the Sebei culture is that â€Å"the maladies of the social system seem to outweigh their strengths†(Goldschmidt 338). With this particular statement, the author is then able to show that he has been able to observe the communities with a keen eye and relate it to the rest of the elements in the environment that surround the community. The author does not simply focus on what can be found within the community but also observes how it relates to the different links formed. More so, there is judgment that is found for these relationships from where a strong conclusion can be made. This monograph serves as a very good reading material for the members of the academic institutions and the epistemic communities from a wide variety of fields. Where field observations and thorough data collection has been done, there is the worthiness of examining the material and using it as a foundation of different researches. More so, an understanding of the different elements of the community can be easily derived through a reading of this material because of the substantial data that can be found here. This is not only for the purpose of studying communities but can also be taken by people from different fields such as psychology, economics, policy-making, sociology, and others in order to make researches and decisions. Relation to Class Materials and Discussions Understanding the book has been made easier because of the foundation laid by the class discussions and materials. The concepts that have been clarified in relation to culture, communities, and globalization has become an integral part of understanding how and why the Sebei communities had to adjust to the changing setting of the world and the communities which belong to it. It is difficult for a reader to understand the complex parts of the monograph if one would not take into consideration the aspects which relate the community to the changes in its surroundings. If the reader would not have the respective concepts and ideas, he/she might be limited to understanding the community in isolation and forget to relate it to the world outside the said community. There are factors which might be missed by the reader in understanding the community, in this case, and forget about the other forces that could change communities. Works Cited Goldschmidt, Walter. Culture and behavior of the Sebei: A study in Continuity and Adaptation. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California, 1976. MacGaffey, Wyatt. â€Å"Review. †ASA Review of Books 4 (1978): 110-111. Mead, Margaret. â€Å"Review. †American Anthropologists 79. 4 (1977): 938-939.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
SWOT Analysis of Patient Services in a Hospital
SWOT Analysis of Patient Services in a Hospital SWOT ANALYSIS PATIENT AFFAIRS OFFICE/ CUSTOMER SERVICES: Patient affairs office provides service to patients. Its job is to assist customers regarding anything they need to make sure that they are satisfied with the service they are provided. The staff of customer services in a hospital should be polite and friendly to the patients and must be provided adequate training as customer service depicts the culture of any organization/hospital. Strengths: In my time working at the hospital, I found that the patient’s affair office had a few employees who had very good communication skills. Due to which they were able to talk to patients and solve their problems and concerns effectively. They dealt with patients of different moods and were able to help them in one way or another. All the employees in customer services had the capability and temperament of working in a team to solve various problems of patients. They were able to communicate well with other employees of the same department as well as of other departments which enabled in building an environment that was healthy. Weaknesses: Although some employees in customer services had good communication skills, but I also saw those employees who were not able to deal with customers and whenever a patient made complaint, they had to look at their colleagues for answers. Due to this, patients had to wait which increased their bad experience of any type with the hospital. There was also a lack of decision making in the patient affairs office. Whenever a situation was raised where patients asked for favors or discounts, customer services representatives had to keep them on hold to ask other senior employees which again kept patients waiting. A lack of following up on the problem was another weakness that I found. When a representative solved a patient’s problem, he/she never attempts to get feedback from the patient. Opportunities: Hospital must provide adequate training to the employees of patient affairs office to enhance their communication skills and for polishing all the other required skills for this job. They can even hire new employees who fulfill their requirement. Threats: Many new hospitals are built now which are giving tough competition to attract more patients by asking patients for feedback from time to time and are actually using that feedback for improving themselves. The best patient affair representative is getting job offers from various other hospitals which is a major threat as he is very skilled and is able to tackle with customers easily without disappointing them. Conclusion: Hospital has various strengths in the patients affair office, all it needs is to hire good trainers for the representatives over there and polish their skills to deal with customers in a better way which will reduce the weakness of the hospital. At the same time, they need to capitalize on the opportunity available and remove the threats they are facing. Hospital must take feedback from patients from time to time and bring required improvements and also they need to provide their employees in the customer services good incentives and reward to retain them with the hospital. EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT: It is a department in the hospital who provides treatments and facilities to patients who are in critical condition or who require immediate assistance. The nature of emergency department is so unplanned that it must be prepared at all times along with specialized doctors in all fields to deal with injuries ranging from basic ones to severe ones. Emergency departments operate 24 hours in a day. Strengths: The hospital had all type of machines and equipments available for dealing with patients in the emergency department. Weaknesses: There was often a shortage of staff in the emergency after 12 a.m. which caused problems for patients. There is also a problem of slow service. Another weakness is that sometimes the emergency room is not clean and smells bad. Apart from this, although the hospital has all the required equipments available but most of them are outdated and are not kept in an order. Due to which it often happened that at the time of emergency, it was difficult to find the required machine. Opportunities: Hospital can do partnership with the best medical school as after that students will assist the hospital and will be available for patients 24 hours specially at times when other staff is not available, which will be beneficial for both patient and student. There are grants of government available for the hospital, it can take them and utilize them for the benefit of the emergency room by improving the condition of it. grants will help in solving financial problems and will enable the hospital to buy and keep latest machines to better assist patients in case of emergency. Threats: Hospital is losing doctors because of retirement due to which there is a shortage of doctors in the emergency department. This has caused various problems and thus hospital is losing patients especially in the emergency department to other hospitals with excellent emergency departments. Conclusion: Hospital must reduce its weaknesses as other hospitals are taking advantage of that by providing patients with better service in the emergency department. It must hire more staff in the emergency department for keeping it clean or if it cannot hire then it must raise the salary of existing staff so they perform their duties efficiently. It must also capitalize on the opportunity available to it by doing partnership with medical school and also by accepting the grants by government, which will help the hospital in investing more in the emergency department. It must also place advertisements for doctors to reduce the problem of less doctors in the hospital as this way there will doctors available in the emergency department as well. Complaints Office Is an office which deals with complains of patients and is responsible for getting their feedback. They are responsible for keeping patients in the hospital satisfied by solving their problems and thus not giving them a chance to complain. The duties of this office are critical as form time to time they have to deal with customers with bad moods; they have to tolerate them at their worst which requires a lot of patience. Its necessary for the complaints office to have solution for all the patients or else they will just lose patients. They also need to report complains of patients to senior managers to keep them updated on the condition of the hospital. This way senior manager will be able to take actions that are beyond the complaints office to keep their patients satisfied with the service they are getting. Strengths: The employees in the complaints office are available to patients at all times and solve their queries as much as they can. The complaints office of the hospital has an excellent system of recording all complains of patients on a computer which is available for all the staff of hospital to view. This keeps everyone informed about the issues that should be solved. Weaknesses: The employees at the complaints office lack patience and they often are unable to solve their issues. Sometimes when a patient makes a complaint they listen to them but never takes any action which increases the level of dissatisfaction of patients with the hospital. Opportunities: Hospital can hire a specialist for giving training to its employees as to how to deal with patients with bad moods. They can even hire employees who are specialists in human behavior so they know the required solution depending on the mood of patients. Threats: Other hospitals have more specialized complaints offices due to which they dint give a chance to their patients of complains. So patients prefer other hospitals compared to this which is significantly affecting the growth. Competition is a major threat that the hospital is facing in almost all its departments. Conclusion: Hospital needs to hire good employees and experts of human resources in the complaints office to deal with patients more effectively. They also need to polish the skills of existing employees in the complaints office. Hospital needs to overcome its weaknesses in the complaints office as it is in direct contact with patients at all times and is responsible for solving their problems. Although employees here have got free right to make any necessary decision depending on the situation but since most of them lack patience, they are unable to talk to customers politely. Referrals Office Referrals basically help keeping doctors track of the care that their patients are getting ti make sure that provided care is right for that particular patient. Request for a referral is usually made by the primary clinician when he/she comes to the conclusion that services that a patient requires are not available at the hospital. So referrals office processes these appointments with specialists for the clinicians. The responsibilities of a referral office are to service the appointment with specialists and to keep the clinician updated about the dates and time of appointment. Strengths: The referrals office at the hospital is highly trained and has contacts with many specialists in various fields which enable them to be of service to patients of ant type of problems ranging from small to big ones. Weaknesses: The number of people in the referrals office is less compared to require as there are sometimes delay in making appointments to the specialists which annoys patients as no one likes to wait. Secondly, the appointments that patients get are late and they often have to wait for a month or two to visit the specialist which is not acceptable in situations or cases that require immediate attention. Opportunities: There are various referrals programs available to improve the existing referrals in the hospital so it can take one of them to reduce the inefficiencies. The steps for making a referral program include: First, make a timeline for the program of referral and record the changes it bring to the referrals office to be better aware of the benefits of the program and also to make sure that it’s actually working. Second, keep getting feedback of referrals from the patient to make a list of specialists who actually helped the patients to recommend such specialists further. Also. This will help referrals office in knowing that with which specialist they need to build a better relation. Offer your gratitude to specialists that you are referring to your patients so that they are satisfied with the hospital and are willing to accept future patients. Threats: The threats faced by the referrals office include the referrals office of other hospitals who try giving better service to the specialists that they refer to their patients on behalf of clinicians. Some of these hospitals are old and some are new which are giving intense competition to this hospital. Conclusion: the referrals office should use its strength to get the best specialists appointment for their patients to make sure that they get the best service. They must try to reduce their weakness by hiring more employees in the referrals office and also by trying to get the appointment as quickly as possible especially in cases where the illness is severe. they must capitalize on the opportunity available to them by introducing a referrals program to better train themselves for this job which will help in retaining patients as they will be satisfied by the service provided to them by the referrals office. They must try to come up with strategies and ways of dealing with the competition that they are facing from other hospitals. Ward Administrative Ward: it is the ward that is responsible for administrating the wards in the hospital. Every hospital has various wards and thus the responsibilities of a ward administrative are huge. Employees in the ward administrative units need to coordinate and mange the wards and they also need to supervise it from time to time to make sure that they are up to the mark. Other responsibilities of a ward administrative ward includes establishing policies and plans to be followed, making sure that the best service is being provided, maintaining the infrastructure to make sure that all the facilities are provided to the public and getting feedback from patients to bring improvement if there is a lacking. Strengths: Employees at the ward administrative office of the hospital are providing a good service to the hospital. The wards of the hospital are neat and clean at all times and almost everyone is trained and knows his/her duties. Weaknesses: The employees at the ward administrative ward never come up with plans or ideas for providing even better service than they are providing now. Although they are providing a good service but they lack a need of making policies which everyone could follow. And also the infrastructure available at the hospital is old and need to be replaced. The wards of the hospital are old fashioned and they need to have some work done. Opportunities: Hospital can hire a good architect for solving the issue with the wards and giving it a design that is attractive for patients. The infrastructure of a hospital matters a lot and an attractive hospital attracts more patients. Threats: The threat is same as for other departments, competition. Many new hospitals have been formed with attractive designs and extraordinary architect that attracts the patients. Although the purpose of a hospital is to solve the problems of patients but building and other infrastructure also matters. Conclusion: the ward administrative ward is fulfilling its duties effectively but there are a few lackings here that need to be focused. Firstly, they need to make sure that all wards have latest infrastructure and are presentable to the patients because as discussed earlier, it matter a lot for patients to go in hospitals that provide good services in all ways.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Financial Analysis of banking sector of India
Financial Analysis of banking sector of India Financial Analysis of banking sector of India: Special Reference to Private Sector Banks Financial statements are those statements which provide information about profitability and financial position of a business. It includes two statements, i.e., profit loss a/c or income statement and balance sheet or position statement. The income statement presents the summary of the income earned and the expenses incurred during a financial year. Position statement presents the financial position of the business at the end of the year. This paper is try to present all the components of balance sheet and profit and loss account in common size and analyze the individual item in Balance Sheet Profit Loss A/c as compare to total liabilities/Assets/Income/Expenditure. Objectives To compare the financial position with the help of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account To compare the financial performance through a common-size financial statement. Introduction After preparation of the financial statements, one may be interested in knowing the position of an enterprise from different points of view. This can be done by analyzing the financial statement with the help of different tools of analysis such as Common size statement analysis, funds flow analysis, cash flow analysis, Common size/ comparative statement analysis, etc. Here I have done financial analysis by Common size financial statement analysis. Common size financial statement analysis, also called vertical analysis, is just one technique that financial managers use to analyze their financial statements. It is not another type of income statement. It is just a tool that is used to analyze the income statement and position statement. With the use of this method of common-size financial statements, the comparisons between the financial statements of different companies become easy. In this method, each of figures in the financial statements are reported in the form of percentage. Thi s percentage is the figure of one frequent base figure. This base figure determines the percentile of all the figures in the common-size financial statements. By using this method, it is easy to compare the financial statements of the same company from different periods or comparing the companies of different size. Due to this method, the bias between the company sizes is removed, and investor can effectively compare the financial statements. The selection of base figure depends on the financial statements head. In income statements, the revenue can be selected as the base figure and all the incomes and expenses can be measured against it. Moreover, in the balance sheet of the company, all the related items are divided by the total of their items. For example, if the investor wants to find out the percentage of the inventory in balance sheet, he or she will have to divide the figure of inventory with the total assets. Methodology For the purpose of this study individual item of balance sheet converted into common size 100 for this purpose an individual item in balance sheet divided by total assets/total liabilities and converted into 100.This is also to profit and loss account i.e. individual item in profit and loss account divided by total income/total expenditure and converted into100.For this analysis three years Balance Sheet and Profit and loss account of top three private banks viz.ICICI bank,HDFC bank and Axis bank was analyzed. Balance Sheets as on 31st March 2011 Capital and Liabilities Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Capital 4,105,458 0.169 4,652,257 0.167 11521129 0.283 Reserves and Surplus 185,882,797 7.658 249140426 8.982 539,388,244 13.277 Deposits 1,892,378,010 77.967 2,085,864,054 75.206 2,256,021,077 55.535 Borrowings 262,678,824 10.822 143,940,610 5.189 1,095,542,771 26.968 Other Liabilities and Provisions 82,088,627 3.382 289,928,565 10.453 159,863,467 3.935 Total 2,427,133,716 100 2,773,525,912 100 4,062,336,688 100 Assets Cash and Balance with RBI 138,861,630 5.721 251,008,158 9.050 209,069,703 5.146 Balance with Banks and Money at call and Short Notice 75,224,929 3.099 45,680,191 1.647 131,831,128 3.245 Investments 719,916,208 29.661 709,293,656 25.573 1,346,859,630 33.154 Advances 1,424,078,286 58.673 1,599,826,654 57.682 2,163,659,014 53.26 Fixed Assets 22,731,456 0.936 21,706,480 0.782 47,442,551 1.167 Other Assets 46,321,207 1.908 146,010,773 5.264 163,474,662 4.024 Total 2,427,133,716 100 2,773,525,912 100 4,062,336,688 100 Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Income Interest Earned 151,548,058 76.589 199,282,122 82.13 259,740,528 79.62 Other Income 46,321,338 23.410 43,351,527 17.87 66,478,925 20.38 Total 197,869,396 100 242,633,649 100 326,219,453 100 Expenditure Interest Expended 85,918,230 52.394 93,850,839 46.15 169,571,515 61.728 Operating Expenses 47,794,281 29.145 71,529,141 35.171 66,172,492 24.088 Provision and Contingencies 30,271,979 18.460 37,989,660 18.680 38,961,684 14.183 Total 163,984,490 100 203,369,640 100 274,705,691 100 Profit Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2011 Balance Sheets as on 31st March 2012 Capital and Liabilities Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Capital 4,132,039 0.144 4,693,377 0.138 11551537 0.243 Reserves and Surplus 223,953,384 7.840 294,553378 8.716 592,500,885 12.509 Deposits 2,201,043,033 77.059 2,467,064,459 73.00 2,554,999,561 53.94 Borrowings 340,716,721 11.928 238,465,086 7.057 1,401,649,073 29.592 Other Liabilities and Provisions 86,432,757 3.026 374,318,690 11.077 175,769,846 3.710 Total 2,856,277,934 100 3,379,094,990 100 4,736,470,902 100 Assets Cash and Balance with RBI 107,029,214 3.747 149,910,945 4.436 204,612,935 4.319 Balance with Banks and Money at call and Short Notice 32,309,943 1.131 59,466,318 1.759 157,680,199 3.329 Investments 931,920,859 32.627 974,829,094 28.848 1,595,600,430 33.687 Advances 1,697,595,386 59.433 1,954,200,292 57.83 2,537,276,579 53.568 Fixed Assets 22,593,250 0.791 23,471,940 0.694 46,146,870 0.974 Other Assets 64,829,282 2.269 217,216,401 6.428 195,153,889 4.120 Total 2,856,277,934 100 3,379,094,990 100 4,736,470,902 100 Profit Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2012 Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Income Interest Earned 219,946,474 80.228 272,863,517 83.880 335,426,522 81.720 Other Income 54,202,163 19.771 52,436,949 16.12 75,027,598 18.279 Total 274,148,637 100 325,300,466 100 410,454,120 100 Expenditure Interest Expended 139,769,024 60.316 149,895,780 54.78 228,084,964 65.958 Operating Expenses 60,070,995 25.923 85,900,571 31.393 78,504,433 22.702 Provision and Contingencies 31,886,564 13.760 37,833,208 13.826 39,212,151 11.339 Total 231,726,583 100 273,629,559 100 345,801,548 100 Balance Sheets as on 31st March 2013 Capital and Liabilities Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Capital 4,679,545 0.137 4,758,838 0.117 11581197 0.216 Reserves and Surplus 326,399,054 9.584 363881809 8.925 655,478,392 12.211 Deposits 2,526,135,881 74.176 2,960,917,699 72.621 2,926,136,257 54.511 Borrowings 439,510,984 12.906 394,966,127 9.687 1,453,414,944 27.076 Other Liabilities and Provisions 108,881,120 3.197 352,705,377 8.651 321,336,021 5.986 Total 3,405,606,584 100 4,077,229,850 100 5,367,946,811 100 Assets Cash and Balance with RBI 147,920,883 4.343 146,308,790 3.588 190,527,309 3.549 Balance with Banks and Money at call and Short Notice 56,428,716 1.656 129,002,845 3.164 223,647,879 4.166 Investments 1,137,375,370 33.397 1,109,604,124 27.214 1,713,935,993 31.929 Advances 1,969,659,574 57.835 2,472,451,151 60.640 2,902,494,351 54.07 Fixed Assets 23,556,420 0.691 27,733,162 0.680 46,470,587 0.865 Other Assets 70,665,621 2.074 192,129,778 4.712 290,870,692 5.418 Total 3,405,606,584 100 4,077,229,850 100 5,367,946,811 100 Profit Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2013 Axis(Rs.000) HDFC(Rs.000) ICICI(Rs.000) Income Interest Earned 271,825,744 80.579 358,610,213 83.409 400,755,969 82.764 Other Income 65,511,063 19.420 71,329,645 16.590 83,457,012 17.235 Total 337,336,807 100 429,939,858 100 484,212,981 100 Expenditure Interest Expended 175,163,111 61.343 196,954,474 54.567 262,091,848 65.366 Operating Expenses 69,142,375 24.214 115,518,963 32.005 90,128,837 22.478 Provision and Contingencies 41,236,992 14.441 48,463,621 13.427 48,737,569 12.155 Total 285,542,478 100 360,937,058 100 400,958,254 100 Capital to Total Liabilities Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 0.16 0.16 0.28 2011-12 0.14 0.13 0.24 2012-13 0.13 0.11 0.21 Interpretation Capital Common size statement of ICICI Bank was more than Axis Bank HDFC Bank in these three years. It is also seen that in all these three years Capital Common size statement of these banks were decreased consistently. Reserve and surplus to Total Liabilities Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 7.68 8.98 13.27 2011-12 7.84 8.71 12.50 2012-13 9.58 8.92 12.21 Interpretation Common size statement of Accumulated Reserve and Surplus of ICICI Bank was more than Axis Bank HDFC Bank, but this Common size statement consistently decreases. This Common size statement of Axis bank consistently increases. Deposits to Total Liabilities Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 77.96 75.20 55.53 2011-12 77.05 73.00 53.94 2012-13 74.17 72.62 54.51 Interpretation Deposit Common size statement Axis bank was more than HDFC ICICI bank; however this Common size statement of Axis bank and HDFC bank consistently decreases. Borrowings to Total Liabilities Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 10.82 5.18 26.96 2011-12 11.92 7.05 29.59 2012-13 12.90 9.68 27.07 Interpretation As regards to borrowings, ICICI bank has more borrowings than Axis bank and HDFC bank, it is also depicts that borrowings of Axis bank and HDFC bank consistently increases. Other liabilities Provisions to Total Liabilities Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 3.38 10.45 3.93 2011-12 3.02 11.07 3.71 2012-13 3.19 8.65 5.98 Interpretation Other liabilities and provisions of HDFC bank was more than Axis bank and ICICI bank and it is upto10% on an average, however the axis bank ICICI bank maintains this Common size statement upto 3% on an average. Cash Balances with RBI to Total Assets Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 5.72 9.05 5.14 2011-12 3.74 4.43 4.31 2012-13 4.34 3.58 3.54 Interpretation Cash balance of HDFC bank in year 2010-11 was in highest Common size statement. Cash balance of HDFC bank and ICICI bank continuously decreases. Balance with Banks and Money at call and Short Notice to Total Assets Year Name of Bank Axis HDFC ICICI 2010-11 3.09 1.64 3.24 2011-12 1.13 1.79 3.32 2012-13 1.65 <
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Where The Red Fern Grows :: essays research papers
In the story Where The Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. Billy is willing to try his best when he wants to get the dogs. He also tries his best when he wants to get Old Dan down from a tree. Billy thinks that God helped him knock the tree down and catch the coon who was up the tree.      Billy tries his best to get the dogs he saw in an ad, he found in a magazine by the lake were fishermen fish. He picked berries util his feet were covered with scratches because of the bushes. He also hunted for coons with the traps his father got him. He would sell the fur and the berries in his grandfather's store. After two years Billy finally had enough money to get the dogs he wanted. He was so excited that instead of waiting for the dogs to come to him he went to the dogs. After getting the puppies Billy got into a fight with some school kids because they were picking on the puppies and Billy was getting angry. He wanted to protect the puppies      When Billy and his dogs went coon hunting Old Dan went up a dead hollow tree to try and catch the coon who went up there. So Billy had to go up and get him down. Billy tried as hard as he could to get his big dog down, then he finally did. When Old Dan got down he was so eager to get the coon he went back up the tree. So Billy went up the tree again and tried to get him down. With all his strength he finally got Old Dan Down for the second time. Billy thinks that God helped him in getting the tree to fall and catching the coon. This all happened when Billy promised his dogs that if they get the coon up the tree he would get the coon. So Billy thought of climbing the tree but it was to high. So he tried to cut the tree down. It took along time; Billy's Grandpa made a dummy so Billy can go home and rest. The purpose of the dummy was to make the coon think that a person was standing there. So the coon would stay up on the tree for several days before he finds out that the dummy is fake. When Billy went back to the tree he started cutting and cutting, but the tree was too big and thick to cut down.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Amish Business Relations Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Amish Business Relations The Amish are a group of people that teach separation from the outside world. A group that originated from Switzerland is centered in the United States and Canada. Their rules as a society require farming and personal simplicity as their way of life. the luxury of having electricity and telephones are not accepted in this odd way of life. Their transportation is reduced to horse and carriages as a way for them to remain simple. These old order Amish traditions are very strictly enforced. Those who break from the Amish usually join the Mennonites, a society with similar rules and values, just less strict. As a way for their society to survive as a culture they have turned to the business of selling the products that these people grow and make. The Amish are fine craftsmen, skilled in everything from building the barns to sewing some of the finest quilts around. In recent years, many Amish have opened small shops to help supplement their modest earnings from farming. Skills handed down from generation to generation have resulted in the best quality products, a proud Amish tradition. Of course, the Amish did not choose this newly found way of life, they were forced in by greater urbanization and the diminished availability and affordability of farmland. They would rather stay and go into small business than move to a more rural state. One of the most known societies is in the town of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There is an estimated 1,000...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hotel Security Essay
Hotel Security Matthew Acevedo July 10, 2011 HTT/200 Hotel Security Security came forcefully to the attention of hotel operators in 1976 when a well-known singer, Connie Francis, was raped at knifepoint in a Long Island motel.(online reading, pg.309) Good security is what makes are breaks a good hotel. To insure that you have great security you have to address where it’s needed the most, where it might be an issue and what are the biggest threats to your guest. According to many different websites identity theft is becoming a major with hackers breaching computers in major hotel chains and gaining access to thousands upon thousands of guests personal information including; home addresses, credit card numbers and personal phone numbers. (Bates, 2008) To help reduce the risk of hackers it would be smart to make sure your database is secured through a well-known and respected company that deals with internet hackers. Though it’s impossible to fully stop hacking you can make sure you minimize the risk significantly with the right resources. A big issue with security would be fraud and theft. According to the U.S. Department of Justice Statistics, identity theft is now passing up drug trafficking as the number one crime in the nation. (Itrc, 2006) To solve some of these solution the easy steps would be to makes sure to check every guests ID and credit card against each other and have a fake ID decoder behind every desk to insure that no one gets away with using someone else’s credit card. Theft is also a big concern with guests that stay in hotels. Many hotels have an open-door policy that lets maids prop open doors for hours on end while they clean that floor. That leaves room wide open for anyone to just walk into a room and take whatever they want or rack up huge bills on movie rental or minibar items. According to a study done in 2003 many hotels have not changes there policies after the attacks of 9/11. Many hotels that were rated higher with security had already established good security and didn’t need to make changes. (Myers, 2003) There is no base-line for hotel security so it’s hard to say if the standard went up after the September 11 attacks of 2001. Conclusion Most of the security issue seems to be that of theft, either of personal items or identity. To help solve the ongoing issue there are dozens of companies working to shut down the cyber-attacks of hotel databases around the world. Until then it is the job of the hotel to take every precaution necessary to insure that guest feel as safe and comfortable as possible while staying in their establishment. References
Monday, September 16, 2019
Starbucks Review
Review of Starbucks: A Step Above DeVry University Review of Starbucks: A Step Above The product I chose to review is the Starbucks Corporation; the Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company and Italian-style coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington (â€Å"Starbucks,†2012). Starbucks is the largest coffeehouse company in the world, with 19,972 stores in 60 countries, including 12,937 in the United States, 1,273 in Canada, 971 in Japan, 790 in the United Kingdom, 657 in China, 453 in South Korea, 356 in Mexico, 276 in Taiwan, 200 in the Philippines, 158 in Thailand and 1 in India (â€Å"How many Starbucks,†2012) .The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971 by three partners: English teacher Jerry Baldwin, history teacher Zev Siegl, and writer Gordon Bowker. The three were inspired by coffee roasting entrepreneur Alfred Peet, whom they knew personally, to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment (â€Å"Starbucks,†2012). Let’s take a look at how and why Starbucks is a step above the competition and on a straight path of success.Starbucks not only sells amazing coffee blends and delectable pastries but as a corporation always looking for ways to stay ahead. I want this review to be more than just a review of coffee, this is a review of Starbucks as a corporation and how they use their position to make the communities they serve better places. Starbuck defines corporate responsibility and fairness. The most amazing observation about Starbucks is all the charities and forms of help they offer.For starters Starbucks and the Opportunity Finance Network have bracelets available for a $5 donation to support and create local jobs, these are available at all Starbucks. Starbucks also takes place in fair trade and ethical sourcing, which brings stability to other regions in which supply their corporation. Other forms of support are the millions of dollars in grant money Starbucks supplies to youth leadership programs within the communities they serve and Review of Starbucks: A Step Above thousands of hours of community service to improve those communities.Other strengths that propel Starbucks ahead of the competition are their community stores, leadership and education programs, housing initiatives and their Starbucks foundation which above all else is about helping their communities and the countries in which supply them (â€Å"Being a responsible,†2012). Another form of strengths that really set Starbucks ahead of their competition is their beverage selection. Starbucks offers many different coffee verities from flavors to different strengths which allow them to appeal to many different consumers.You can also purchase most coffee drinks hot, cold or frozen which sets them ahead of other coffee houses. Besides coffee Starbucks also offers tea and other non-coffee beverages as well pastries and on the go sandwiches for the breakfast and lunch crowd. Most recent expansion of the Starbucks line was their addition to the K-Cup line and the release of their very own single cup brewer, this giving the consumer the ability to enjoy a hot fresh cup of Starbucks in the comfort of their own home.Also Starbucks offers a unique and comforting experience at each one of their stores, no two are the same and each store is modeled after the community it is located. Overall Starbucks is a true competitor and leader in the coffee market as well exemplifying corporate responsibility. This company not only serves refreshing beverages and delicious treats but uses their influence and power to improve the communities they serve and benefit the countries that supply them.Starbucks started as a small company in Seattle in 1971 and became a worldwide leader in the coffee industry as well a global corporation for good. This is what truly sets Starbucks a step above the competition. References Being a responsible company. (2012, November 13). Retrieved from http:// www. starbucks. com/ How many starbucks are there?. (2012, Sep 8). Retrieved from http://loxcel. com/sbux-faq. html Starbucks. (2012, Nov 13). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Starbucks
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Emma Goldman
You can never imagine a world without Emma Goldman. Emma Goldman died on May 14, 1940. Emma dedicated her life to the creation of a radically social order. Also, she embraced anarchism for its vision; and it offered liberty, harmony, and social Justice. She had a deep commitment to absolute freedom and that led her to espouse a range of controversial causes. Goldman was a radical thinker. Forty years on she is more than emblematic, she is iconic. Emma Goldman was born in the imperial city of Russia of Kovno on June 27, 1869. Emma's mother Taube was married to a man when he was 15 years old He later died and she was left with two children.Emma's mother had a second marriage arranged to Abraham Goldman. First of all, when Emma was a child she constantly was abused by her stepfather when she displeased him. Emma was uncontrollable and rebellious to her stepfather â€Å"I'll kill that brat†, he often said. (Gornick 7). Also, the family constantly moved from Konovo to Konigsberg to Petersburg. Emma's education was very limited. Although she passed the exam to secondary school, she was denied the character reference necessary for admission. The religion teacher declared her â€Å"a terrible child who would grow into a worse woman†(Gornick 7. When Emma became 12 years old education came to an end for her. When Emma was 16 years old her father told her it was time for her to get married and he would arrange this. She begged once more to return to school instead of getting married. Emma begged her father to immigrate to the United States with her sister Helena; they both wanted to Join their older sister Lena already living in upstate New York. She had threated suicide to her stepfather because her stepfather did not let her immigrate and later he let her go. In 1885, Emma immigrated to the United States and settled in Rochester, New York.She began working in clothing factories in 1886 and by the age of fifteen she worked in a corset factory. Also, Emma w orked 10 hours a day and Emma only made two and a half dollars a week. Emma met Joseph Kershner at one of her Jobs and he also shared a love for books and hatred for work. She was only 18 years old when he had convinced her that they should marry. Moreover, she learned that he was depressed and he was attracted to Emma because he thought his vitality would rescue from himself. She sued him for divorce and left him within a few months of their wedding.By 1889, she developed anarchist ideas. Her speeches attracted attention in the United States. Emma formed a close association with Alexander Beckman who was imprisoned during 1892 for attempting to assassinate Henry Clay Flink during the Homestead Steel Strike. Beckman was Goldman's first real love. Hecklers suppressed her lectures. Also, police officers would suppress her speeches and writing. Eventually, she was arrested so often that she began to carry a book wherever she went because she feared sitting in Jail with nothing to read. Emma was arrested in New York City in 1893 for inciting a riot when a group of unemployed workers reacted to a speech she had given. Goldman embarked on tours in Europe and the United States after her release from prison. In 1906, she had founded Mother Earth, a Moreover, in 1908 Goldman's naturalization as a citizen was revoked by a legal stratagem. She had published â€Å"Anarchism†and other essays two years later. Emma Goldman went to Jail because she spoke freely on birth control. When World War I broke out in Europe she opposed United States involvement and she later agitated against military conscription.In June 1917 she was sentenced for two years for these activities. In 1901, Leon Czologosz claiming he was acting under Goldman's influence, assassinated Although she had not been involved and only met him briefly, she was arrested immediately as an accomplice. Lack of evidence eventually forced the authorities to release her from prison. In September 1919 she was caug ht in hysteria over a largely imaginary network of communist operatives. Emma was called Red Emma because she was declared a subversive alien and she was deported to the Soviet Union. She did not stay there for very long.Two years after leaving she ecounted her experiences in her book My Disillusionment in Russia (1923). Goldman was an advocate for birth control, workers' rights, equality, sexual freedom, and independence for women. Also, she was either harassed or arrested anytime she gave a lecture and she was also banned outright for speaking sometimes. Goldman had become a prominent fgure as a woman in the fght for freedom in America, for economic freedom for women, racial education, and anti-militarism Even though Emma was hostile against religion she had core beliefs emerging from a Jewish tradition that had championed a universal Justice.Emma applied her ideas about free love to women, men, homosexuals, and heterosexuals consistently. Emma believed that individuals should ent er into and leave personal relationships with no constraints, a view determined by her commitment to the principle of absolute freedom and her experience of a failed marriage. She stated, â€Å"If I ever love a man again I will give myself to him without being bound by the rabbi or the law, and when that love dies, I will leave without permission. †(Goldman 1889). Goldman helped launch the No Conscription League in May 1917, soon after the entry into World War .She and Berkman were arrested for conspiring against the draft in 1917. Emma had argued her actions far from being anti American, were intended to prompt her adopted country to live up to its own ideas. Emma believed that the United States they had no right to make a war and she was a pacifist. Also, rather than organizing a conspiracy to obstruct the draft, she said, she had been claiming to exercise her rights to free rights and she had been educating her audiences about conscientious objection. After Goldman's rele ase she was re arrested on the order of the young J.Edgar Hoover, who had persuaded the courts to deny Goldman's citizenship. In 1920 she and Beckman had questioned the Soviet leader on the lack of freedom of speech and the press and the persecution of anarchists in Soviet Russia. Goldman spent the rest of her days in exile from the United States wandering through Sweden, Germany, France, England, and Canada. In 1925, she married an English Coal Miner but it was only a formality to obtain her British citizenship. In the 1920s and 1930s she struggled economically and was frustrated by the restrictions on her status as an xile on political activities.Also, she engaged herself in literary projects and in 1931 she wrote an autobiography Living My Life. Emma became increasingly concerned about the rising tide of Fascism and Nazism. The next several years she lectured Canada where she worked to gain asylum for Spanish refugees and helped foreign born radicals threatened with deportation t o fascist countries. For example in July 1936, when the Spanish American War erupted Goldman supported the Loyalist cause with an enthusiasm reminiscent of her early years in America. â€Å"In addition, narchists had succeeded in receiving popular support in parts of Spain.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Differentiate Between Hazard and a Risk Essay
* Differentiate between hazard and a risk. Hazard is anything that causes injury, disease, or death to humans, or damage to personal or public property, or deterioration or destruction of environmental components. Risk is suffering injury disease, death, or some other loss as a result of exposure to a hazard. (Boorse) * What risks from Figure 17-16 and Table 17-3 surprise you and why do they surprise you? In figure 17-3 the aids rate is what surprised me I didn’t think it would be that low. If anything I thought it would be at the top of the list, but I also thought that alcohol us would be higher than that since it is some many people that use alcohol. (Boorse) * Differentiate between hazard and outrage? Give an example of a low hazard risk but a high outrage risk. A hazard is a chance of being injured or harmed and outrage is an act of extreme violence or viciousness. Example: You see a person crossing a highway full of speeding traffic coming both ways and are filled with hesitations. This is because of perceived risk to his/her life because of an incoming traffic at a high speed. But the man/women themself perceives no risk as he feels he is in control of the situation and will easily cross the highway before the cars arrives. The hazard to the life of the person remains the same but you are outraged more than the person and this is why you feel a greater risk than the person himself. This is a concept that explains why some risks are felt greater than others.
Friday, September 13, 2019
United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 Assignment
United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 - Assignment Example The policies have the objective to prevent against the dangerous consequences, which are leading to climatic changes. Climate treaty was made in 1997 addressing the harmful effects of the carbon emission in the climate, which is known as the Kyoto Protocol (Vidal et al., 2009). The treaty was however unapproved by the major economic countries including the United States. It helped the developed countries but the developing countries were not at all happy with the treaty. The developing countries like China and India also opposed to this treaty as 50% reduction in emission will wreck their economy. The nations looked forward for an agreement which will help them to develop their economy and also prevent the harmful effects of emission (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009). The United Nations Climate Change Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 7th December to 19th December, 2009. It was the conference which included 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 1 5) to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNCCC) and the fifth meeting to the Kyoto Protocol. It is basically the continuation of Kyoto Protocol. It marked the conclusion of the two years negotiating process, which enhanced the international climate change collaboration between the countries. More than 115 world leaders attended the conference along with 40,000 people who are the advisors or the governmental or the non-governmental organizations (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2009). The conference took place with the aim of addressing the adverse effects of the climatic change that is taking place with the emission of the carbon and green house gases. The developing countries hoped that the Copenhagen Conference will make a fair deal for them by settling the issue of the dangerous climatic changes. But the conference went through a lot of controversies for a week as the developing countries like China and India pointed out that the conferenc e has not been transparent to them. Lot of decisions was made prior to the summit and that news infuriated China. The leakage of the news that European Union has agreed to cut down carbon emission about 50% along with other developed countries. They have completed industrialization so they can afford to cut the emission to that extent. But the developing countries like China, India, etc cannot afford to reduce the emission to that extent because that will bring an end to their economic development. China in alliance with India said that the Copenhagen Conference was held only to make a show off by the European Nations after Kyoto Protocol was opposed by all the developing countries. They even pointed out the fact that the conference aimed at creating a pressure on the developing countries as all the decisions are made before the conference only. United Kingdom (UK) which is the member state of European Union had experienced increase in the carbon emission till 1990 basically due to the extensive manufacture of the short term consumer goods. But with the initiation of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the government of UK was forced to reduce the emission by 50%. As UK has been a developed country it did not face that much problem in reducing to that extent. In 2009, when the Copenhagen Conference was held they have their own set of mission and vision before coming to the conference which are given below (Anup, 2009). a) Mission of United Kingdom
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Perspectives on Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Perspectives on Culture - Essay Example societies, widely grouped into Nilotic, Bantus and Cushitic, cultural diversity is widely evident in day-to-day life .Different cultures are accompanied by unique customs and norms, some surprising and shocking while others are common to all the cultures. Norms refer to particular rules concerning right and wrong in a society while customs are the society’s practices (Tierney, 2007). Many elements of culture and diversity such as aesthetics, ceremony, ethics, health and medicine, gender roles, folk myths, religion and spirituality, gestures, grooming, sexuality, taboos and ownership differ among societies. Gender roles, for example, differ greatly among these societies. The Maasai-a Nilotic tribe mainly comprising nomadic pastoralists, surprisingly assign the role of building houses and cooking to women in their community whereas men are expected to protect the community and look after livestock. This is not the case with the kikuyu (a Bantu community) or luo (Nilotic) and many other cultures where houses are built by men. Religion and Spirituality, including purpose in life, the possibility and type of afterlife also has great diversity among various societies. Each society has a unique ‘god’ that they worship and believe in. The gods have different names and are believed to reside in specific places where they can be worshiped and consulted at specific times. The kikuyu community for example believes their god-ngai, lives a mountain so they face this specific mountain during worship. Another surprising variation in element of culture among the Maasai is evident in their status- attitudes and behaviors related to people of different rank like age, wealth, office or fame. This community considers keeping more livestock and having more children a sign of wealth, the more a person has the wealthier he is. Living among these communities requires knowledge of their language and acclimatize to their food. Language is a set of shared symbols that
Reflection paper 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reflection paper 3 - Essay Example It therefore believed the majority of people in the society are not actually what they seem to be from their external observations. The presenter on this subject is so brave to come out in public and ascertain to the society her sexual orientation. Her ability to come forward and inform her family of who she really was is an act of brevity and truthfulness that is not easy to find even among the religious persons. The pain she underwent both physically being seeing her family suffering several losses coupled with emotional pain of having to wait for a while before declaring her sexual orientation if commendable. She was able to overcome the pain of isolation from her sisters for a while as the mother was still figuring out how to deal with her situation. Despite her mothers reluctance to accept her fully she managed to strike a common balance in their relationship and managed to complete her studies, and she got a job at the college. Concerns of homosexual persons in the society are something that has not been received well in the society as a whole. Majority of people in the society still need a lot of civic education in order to understand that these are normal people just like them with different feelings as human beings. Homosexuals must be treated with respect and care just like any other person since they are valuable members of the society just like everyone else. The presenter depicts to us a background that is so telling about the mentally ill people. His presentation is a clear indication that these people need help more than anything else. Without proper understanding of their conditions, they would easily drift off and die suicidal deaths. He portrays the sufferings his mother went through when that condition the unfortunate fate that caught up with him as he was growing up. He is exemplary in his ability to have overcome the odds especially from the first
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Asses the use of coconut only in brazil and how to make more Research Proposal
Asses the use of coconut only in brazil and how to make more sustainable the production of bio diesel - Research Proposal Example It is a delicate balancing act the environmentalists have been grappling with for decades, and now the world gradually seems to be heeding that call. One available option is to look for raw and renewable resources that we have at our disposal to provide much of the world with cheaper and more environmentally friendly biodiesel. This report has generated the knowledge that coconut oil is showing great promise in this area, and Brazil is a country that is potentially able to provide much of its own biodiesel in the form of its own naturally available coconut trees scattered throughout the region. The aim of the study has been to determine the feasibility of implementing a massive effort in Brazil to use coconut oil in the production of biodiesel fuel in the near future. Part of building a sustainable future for all inhabitants of the earth involves making use of the raw materials that we have today. For ages, the world’s population has been known to discard raw materials that they seemingly have no use for, yet new findings are suggesting that many such materials may unlock the mystery of how to lessen our dependence on non-renewable resources (Kumar 557). For some time now, bio diesel has been seen as one such way to provide a much needed source of energy and power to the world, yet it has required too many of the earth’s resources that we are simply unable to replenish. This is beginning to change, however, with the discovery that some of the raw materials we have in abundance, and can replenish, are able to produce bio diesel fuel in record amounts. One such possibility involves taking coconut oil and turning it into a biodiesel that can be early produced and utilized on a massive scale (Kumar 558). Brazil is one of the worldâ€⠄¢s largest sources of coconuts, so it makes sense to focus a project around Brazilian coconut oil and its potential to
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Labor Force in Dubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Labor Force in Dubai - Essay Example The increase will help somewhat, but with rising prices in Dubai, it may not cover medical needs by May when it goes into effect. His mother has cataracts and also needs knee surgery. His grandmother has a large tumor in her stomach and needs immediate surgery. He is recuperating from a hernia operation.  In the spring of last year, construction workers in Dubai protested low salaries and mistreatment by stopping work after publication of a US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) report that called treatment of underpaid private workers from India, Pakistan, China, and other Asian countries as â€Å"less than human†(Jones, para. 7). The incident erupted with extensive damage done to the Emaar Properties’ Burj Dubai tower, expected to be the world’s tallest building when completed in 2008. Damages were estimated at more than Dh3 million. With lack of social support for expatriate workers, according to Jones, HRW has urged the government to help fund and create indep endent bodies to improve conditions. The labor minister said that a new labor law and other measures were already improving conditions for immigrant workers. According to Jones, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) recommends immediate application of the law to insure that any restrictions on the fundamental rights of workers in the Emirate are removed. How has employer or government attempted to address problem?The increase in minimum wage applies only to government workers, and construction workers do not receive overtime pay.... ording to Jones, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) recommends immediate application of the law to insure that any restrictions on the fundamental rights of workers in the Emirate are removed. 2) How has employer or government attempted to address problem The increase in minimum wage applies only to government workers, and construction workers do not receive overtime pay. Although the problem under discussion in this essay is related to low income, the inability of such workers to meet basic needs leads to inadequate housing, health care expenses, and lack of education, keeping workers at a poverty level. The economy in the United Arab Emirate (UAE) shows rising inflation in the future (Ministry of Economy), according to a recent Economic Bulletin published by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI). The cost of living for the expatriate labor force has risen significantly, which reduces the appeal of the UAE as a lucrative labor market. Close monitoring of economic performance by the UAE government as well as continuing upgrade of local laws and regulations are expected to offset serious damages in any of the sectors. However, to compete as a major manufacturing center, the DCCI report calls for "an adequate infrastructure , high human capital base with innovative attitudes, legal and physical access to markets, and a favorable exchange-rate regime" (Ministry of Labour, para. 7). At present, only the infrastructure appears to be in place with the other factors lacking. One important issue in the development of a stable work force is education. Although an effort is being made to build up the education system, results will not be immediate. The Ministry of Labour of the UAE declared the following minimum monthly salaries for
Monday, September 9, 2019
World trade and money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
World trade and money - Essay Example National governments can often vary the levels of protection to reflect perceived national interests, and as a reflection of which countries they prefer to trade with. Protectionism is the restriction of trade through various means and measures. Protectionist measures such as import quotas tariff restrictions, and complete bans of imports of certain products or products from certain countries have been around for a long time. There can be less formal protectionist measures such as insisting that imported products have to meet certain quality or safety standards, and in the past some countries insisted that imports were only allowed through certain ports or airports that only limited storage capacity.1 Such measures have tended to be adopted by national governments to protect their own domestic producers and businesses from foreign competition. Tariffs and import quotas have been justified by arguments about protecting jobs, vital or sensitive sections of the economy, and of course bu siness profits. The criteria or justifications for adopting protectionist measures and policies will vary from country to country, sometimes those justifications can contradict each other leading to differing levels of protectionism for differing sectors of differing economies.2 Protectionist measures can be overtly restrictive such as the imposition of tariffs, custom, and excise duty charges, import quota levels or outright bans on the importing of specific products. The imposing of overt protectionist measures can have various responses.3 Protectionism can lead to trade wars between rival countries or increasingly between rival trading blocs. The adoption of protectionist measures can lead to trade discussions between those countries and trading blocs. Trade discussions can either involves direct talks or talks through trade organisations such
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