Friday, November 29, 2019
Thomas Hobbes Essay Paper Example For Students
Thomas Hobbes Essay Paper Thomas Hobbes was one of the first Western Philosophers that the world had seen. Hobbess philosophies marked a departure in the English philosophy from religious emphasis of Scholasticism. Hobbes was born in 1588 in Malmesbury, Wiltshire. His father was a vicar of the parish during Queen Elizabeth time. He valued not learning and only read the prayers of the church. Hobbes obtained his education from his uncle and moved onto Oxford at the tender age of fifteen. By the time he reached Oxford he was already a scholar in Latin and Greek. He left Oxford in 1608 and began his companionship with the eldest son of Lord Cavendish of Hardwicke, later know as Earl of Devonshire. Hobbes traveled the European continent three times in his lifetime. These trips allowed Hobbes to get most of his work down and he usually traveled with a pupil. His first trip he took was in 1610 were he visited France, Italy and Germany. This trip he took with is pupil, Lord Hardwick. He learned the French and Italia n languages along the way. This first tour of the continent did not allow Hobbes to learn his life purpose, but he did gain experience that could help him along his way. We will write a custom essay on Thomas Hobbes Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now His second tour of the European continent took place in 1629 and lasted for two years. In 1628 his pupil and friend Lord Hardwick passed on and Hobbes had no duties to fulfill in the house. The second trip Hobbes took he had a new pupil the young earl, who was eleven when they left for the journey. When Hobbes arrived back he took over the education of his new pupil. Around the time he was educated the young earl, his philoschical views began to take place. It was not until his third trip across the continent that he began to fit in with the other philosophers of the world. The third trip he was accomplice by the young earl, Earl of Devonshire. The trip lasted three years, 1634 to 1637. The trip began a new chapter in Hobbes life, he began to publish books and his theories were starting to be written out into books. During the trip he was an intimate of Meresenne, who at the time was at the center of the scintitific circle. That circle include the like of Descartes and Gassendi. His first publication was when he returned titled, Elements of Law and politic. This book showed the theories that he began to evovle for him during this third and final trip. Hobbes fled to France for eleven years because of the fear of getting arrested from his book. He called himself a man of feminine courage. In France he taught the Prince of Whales, later known as King Charles II, mathematics. While in London he also wrote his most famous book Leviathan. This book should Hobbes views on all the theories and ethical decisions. It was published in 1651, the same year he moved back to England. He moved back because he felt safer now in England then he did in France. In actuality he moved back because his book caused him to fear arrest by the authorties in France. He felt safer in England because of his former pupil took over the throne and Hobbes came into favor with the House of Commons. In 1666 however the house passed a bill to inspect his book Leviathan of charges of atheistic tendencies. This inspection caused Hobbes to burn many of his papers and delayed three publications of future books. His philosical theories were that people could have more then one loyalty and that they could be competing with each other. Mainly he was talking about the loyalty to God. Religion was a big deal back then and he stated that God could have a competing loyalty and that people should decide what is best for them. Loyalty to a person or a king should stop when death could occur to you. He stated that loyalty is a social act and that anything a person does is self-serving. Anything a human being does come full circle and benefits them in a way. A theory that Hobbes had, that I believe was pretty big, was that a person living in a world with moral rules is better off then a person living in a world without them. I did not understand what he meant but I do understand now. Hobbes was trying to say that without moral rules and values that people would be at each others throats and attacking each other. With rules and morals people get along with each other and are happy to help each other out. The reason why Hobbes made this point was because he stated that people are selfish creatures and he would do anything we could to get what we wanted. This would only work if we enforced the rules, and that would lead to safety and ensure people that they could trust each other. .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .postImageUrl , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:hover , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:visited , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:active { border:0!important; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:active , .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1 .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u45244f9dd28e28b52274663e45a62ab1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: RwandaGenocide or Civil War EssayHobbes said strong people prey off the weakness of weak people. People have their own morals and their own morals will determine what loyalty they have to another. Hobbes also said that no man should give up self-assertion. Hobbes was a confusing person to try and understand but the more and more you read what he stood for, you realized that what he was trying to state. He meant that when you might have two competing values, take the value that will help you the most, as long as it does not lead to death. He also said that people, during the state of war, have three natural causes:competion for limited suppliesdistrust of one anotherglory insofar as people remain hostile to preserve their powerful reputation. During this sate of was he stated that no morality existed. Hobbes was getting his point across by telling people that when push comes to shove that others will do anything to remain on top. Hobbes says that we also have to end war because until the state of war ends each person has the right to another persons life. Beside that motivation others that Hobbes stated:the fear of deaththe desire to an adequate livingUnless we stop the state of was and qurlling among ourselves, people are going to try anything they can to do what they want with whom ever they want. With this in mind I entered the group discussion confused but having a sense of what he stood for. I really could argue either way for the topic on doctor George but after the first meeting and listening to others I found that Hobbes would have lead to believe that doctor George is good thing and could save peoples lives. Hobbes said that every thing has to be self-serving and the act of self-serving was the money that the program director was going to make. I still was not sure until I heard some of the other philosophers and what they thought on the topic. Half way through the first discussion I really thought that I could argue more in favor of the show then I could against it. Bibliography1. Edwards, Paul, ed. Encyclopedia of Philosphy. 4th ed. London, New York. The McMillian Corportion and Free Press, 1982. 2. Fieser, James. Ethics. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosphy. 1998. 15 Oct. 2000. 3. Honderich, Ted, ed. Oxford Companion to Philosphy. New York, Oxford. Oxford Unversity Press, 1995. 4. Thomas Hobbes. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosphy. 1997. 15 Oct. 2000. 5. Turner, Ron. Thomas Hobbes. 15 Oct. 2000.
Monday, November 25, 2019
According to the article, Euthanasia refers Essays
According to the article, Euthanasia refers Essays According to the article, Euthanasia refers Paper According to the article, Euthanasia refers Paper The book â€Å"Final Wishes: A Cautionary Tale on Death Dignity Physician Assisted Suicide by Paul Chamberlain generally deals with the issue on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Before the text will be discussed in full detail and the issue/s presented in the text elaborated, we need to have a clear and accepted definition of euthanasia. The article Euthanasia and assisted suicide on (June 1998) differentiated euthanasia and assisted suicide. The article said that the identified two are often regarded as morally equivalent but there is a clear practical distinction, as well as a legal distinction. According to the article, Euthanasia refers to the knowingly and intentionally performance of an act that is explicitly intended to end another persons. According to the same site, for euthanasia to be performed, the subject should be competent, is an informed person with an incurable illness and has voluntarily asked for his or her life to be ended. On the other hand, assistance in suicide means knowingly and intentionally providing a person with the knowledge or means or both required to commit suicide, including counseling about lethal doses of drugs, prescribing such lethal doses or supplying the drugs. In the hospital physician-assisted suicide can take various forms where the patient is being withdrawn of by care. By withdraw of care refers to terminating life support such as a ventilator to assist one in breathing, withdrawing vasopressors which keeps someone’s blood pressure stable, discontinued tube feeds which supplies someone with nutrients to sustain life or/and withdrawinig of any pharmaceutical treatments that fight infection or disease such as antibiotics or chemotherapy agents. This distinction, as well as other issues attached to euthanasia and assisted suicide are presented and discussed in the text comprehensively. The following sections will deal on my personal insights of the story and a policy-perspective. Moreover, the paper will also elaborate and further discuss the issues attached to assisted suicide or euthanasia in general. I. Text Insights Personal Perspective I like the text because it was real not only because it was based on a real life situation but in the sense that it presented all the arguments that are useful in the issue of Euthanasia. The author was very objective in presenting his ideas on the subject matter. Both sides of the story were also heard: the arguments used by those who are in favor of mercy-killing or euthanasia and those that are used by moralists in their struggle in fighting against euthanasia. The relationship of the Dr. Ron Grey (the doctor) and Patrick (patient) as friends made the story more interesting. By using such plot, the author incorporates emotion in the situation which makes it more realistic since it is the main argument of those who are not for euthanasia. The book was very informative brought about by the author’s objectivity in presenting the key arguments relevant to the issue of mercy-killing. As the story progress, these points were tackled with much enthusiasm and without any bias thus, one learns as he is entertained by the book. It is also good to note that the book is free of any unexplained medical jargon and technical terms making it easy to be understood by those who does not belong or is familiar with the field of medicine. The facts as well as the drama that were embedded in the text were valuable. Aside from the facts and arguments that were presented both in favor and against euthanasia, the emotions attached to ever single detail were as well to be treasured. The book is evidence that emotions and morals does not only works for those who are aware of it but also for those who have forgotten about it. If I were to end the story, it would be the same as the way Paul Chamberlain concluded his book. When Dr. Grey ended up with the decision not to perform euthanasia to his friend, the author in a way showed that the issue is relative. It lies on personal values and principles and it cannot be judged nor questioned by others. If in practice the patient decides whether he or she would subject himself to the process of euthanasia, the doctor, just the same has the liberty to chose from performing the task or not. His refusal in doing a seemingly dying person’s wish emphasized the point that if Patrick has his values, so as Dr. Grey did. I am one with Dr. Grey in refusing the task because I believe that it should be first legalized. If something is identified by the state as illegal, it is good as saying that it is not to be executed both in private and public. There were some point in the text that I thought Dr. Grey was about to perform euthanasia to his friend but it also did not surprised me that in the end, he refused in doing so. Paul Chamberlain wrote the story in such a way that every moment is something new which makes the reader expect the most unexpected events to occur. This strategy by Chamberlain ironically makes the story unpredictable yet at the same time, understood. Before I read the book, my only knowledge about the issue on euthanasia is that it was morally questioned. I am not that aware of the medical shortcomings related to the subject. It was only then when I have read the story that I became aware on the issue of misdiagnosis. The way the issues and arguments were tackled in the story in a way deepened my understanding about the certain complicacies and underlying issues attached to the larger problem of euthanasia.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critically discuss the relationships between tourism and leisure Essay - 1
Critically discuss the relationships between tourism and leisure behaviour, and the implications of these relationships for the understanding and management of tourism - Essay Example It is widely acceptable however, that leisure and tourism as areas of research have developed in complete seclusion. For example, Smith and Godbey (1991) commented that while there is evidence that attitudes are changing, the "traditions of recreation and leisure studies have historically ignored tourism". Throughout this paper, the implications of these relationships will be analyzed, in terms of psychological and sociological concepts as well. For their importance, when it comes to understanding and managing the tourism industry. People are classified into economic status, cultures, gender and skill. The perception of leisure is compound and based on factors such as social, economic, cultural and political factors. It has four major approaches; first approach is defined as leisure as time, then is leisure as activity, third is the attitude based approach and leisure as a state of mind while the fourth approach is leisure as a quality of action. Murphy (1974) defines leisure as â€Å"The most common conceptualization views leisure as that portion of time which remains when time for work and the basic requirements for existence have been satisfied. Leisure can be viewed as casual behavior in which people engage during free time. If we accept the notion of prepotency and the idea of different levels of need, then we can re-state the Aristotlean definition of leisure. Leisure is the state or condition of being free from the urgent demands of lower level needs.†(Murphy, 1974). It is therefore a mental and spiritual attitude. Tourism refers to travel for frivolous, spare time or business purposes. There is a variety of different perspectives when it comes to defining tourism. Tourism is about an activity that covers dealing with different people, individual behaviour, utilization of resources and different environments (Ball, 1995). As per Burkart & Medlik (1981), tourism definitions can either be technical or
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Medium is the message - explore what Marshall McLuhan meant by Essay
The Medium is the message - explore what Marshall McLuhan meant by this statement, tie it to ways the Internet and telecommunica - Essay Example The medium is the message as a metaphor is important in understanding the new electronic media as well. One could well argue that the medium is the unconscious of the media. Every medium is encrypted with its own messages which in turn substantially influence the message or the content. It is through analyzing the shift from traditional media to the new electronic media; McLuhan understood the nuances of medium as the message. The purpose of the essay is to examine the major postulates of McLuhan’s theoretical leap and some of the responses to from other scholars against the new developments in media of the present world. McLuhan’s Conception of Medium Although, the sentence ‘medium is the message’ is apparently very simple; it has many complex connotations. At first, it is just equating the medium with the message. Secondly but most importantly, if medium is the message, all other messages become secondary or non-messages. Therefore, it stipulates that the medium is the primary message and whatever message is inscripted on it is not substantial or exist only in permanent reference to the message of the medium. McLuhan does not negate the existence of the message of the content; therefore, he asserts that â€Å"although the medium is the message, the controls go beyond the programming. The restraints are always directed to the ‘content’, which is always another medium†(305). It means that the message of the medium is primary and the message of the content withstand only with reference to the message. It is important to remember that every medium is the extension of human capabilities and different mediums alters different human capabilities in different ways. Medium is what is form in literature; it is not just capturing the content but reproduces it in many ways. As we cannot understand an art work without deconstructing the form, the message of a media can only be understood when we deconstruct the politics of i ts medium. It is widely observed that the communication revolution in the technological sphere has not yet turned out to be a communication revolution in the real world. Although, there exist actual potentials for disseminating information which is crucial to enhance democracy among the broad masses, the internet media world has not advanced much in this line. Not only the media has failed in deepening democracy in general but also is unable to substantiate democracy within itself. It is because of the fact that as a medium the new information communication technologies are necessarily fragmented and not amenable to deep contemplation. By and large, global media is controlled the big corporations which are even more wealthy than a number of countries in the Global South. The much celebrated ‘marketplace of ideas’ is no more considered as free as it appears. It is not just because of the fact that American media conglomerates have more corporate and monitory power. On th e other hand, the new media technologies as medium are highly amenable to corporatization and monopolization. Therefore, we never have a media world without monopolies; one monopoly will always be replaces with another. The emergence of terms such as public service broadcasting, alternative media, citizen’s journalism, and independent media centers and so on denotes both the phenomenal corporatization of media and the ongoing global
Monday, November 18, 2019
Identify the one event introduced in the post-Civil War era that you Essay
Identify the one event introduced in the post-Civil War era that you feel best represents Twain's imagery of the Gilded Age and explain your reasoning for this selection - Essay Example ndals had become more common to the extent that similar events were being referred to as â€Å"Grantism,†a term that effectively captured greed and dishonesty of leaders of the time. The then citizens thought that funds from these investments were eventually used to bankroll Republican Party operations (Elder, 2002). This is especially true considering that the dealings led to the creation of the Liberal Republican Party. Regardless, the actual loophole for these corrupt Gilded Age deals was the then prevailing spoils system, in which better-endowed people used their influence to reward their relatives, friends and corrupt business allies with lucrative government tenders (Gerrard, & Newell, 2006). As Gerrard and Newell (2006) said, an ever-growing citizenry, however, began to acknowledge the fact that the civil service needed urgent reform. The Dawes Act of 1887 for example, was a major piece of legislation which mandated the president to oversee the granting of land and citizenship to Indians (Gerrard, & Newell, 2006). The Act arguably set the pace for more accountability by state officers as evidenced in the Manifest Destiny, when it comes to the allocation of national resources. Manifest Destiny sought to correct acts of greed and dishonesty that were synonymous with the Gilded Age and build a better society where every community had a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Strategic performance management
Strategic performance management Introduction : The technological growth and the increasing usage of the internet have made every small market a part of a global business centre. Apparently, when the businesses have started reaching to the centres, which were out of reach for many giant businesses in the past, are now the matter on mouse click for even a small business unit. Undoubtedly this had made businesses have more volume but on the other hand it has increased the competition to a heavy extent and this soaring competition has left businesses to work hard to survive. This essay is based on UKs no 1 retail company named Tesco that how it work to improve its performance Tesco was also surviving before in the decade of its beginning. Tesco is Britains largest international grocery and general merchandising retail chain. It is the largest British retailer and the worlds third largest grocery retailer. Tesco life was started in 1929 by Jack Cohen in burnt hock , North London. The growth of tesco was continuing and in 1932 tesco became private ltd and in 1947 it became LTD and listed on stock exchange with a share price of 25p. After that it continuous growing and first superstore was opened by tesco in 1968. In 1990 tesco was a small retail market in UK. Over the year tesco have start applying its strategy effectively and efficiently to became one of the biggest retailer in the world. To improve the customer services and to cover the more market share tesco decide to bring the change as a SELF CHECKOUT. What strategy tesco did to became a market leader that is discuss below. STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT provides a detailed blueprint for turning corporate vision into reality breaking down the things an entity needs to achieve as a business into real actions that can be measured. What is PM (Performance Management)? Performance management (PM) includes activities that ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product or service, as well as many other areas. Time intense : It is optional that a manager use about an hour per worker writing presentation appraisals and depending on the number of people being evaluated, it can take long time to write the departments but also hours meeting with staff to reconsider. I know few managers who had more than 100 people to write PAs on. warning If the procedure is not a pleasant experience, it has the possible to dishearten staff. The procedure wants to be one of support, positive reinforcement and a festivity of a years worth of activities It is significant that managers text not only issues that need to be corrected, but also the optimistic things an worker does throughout the course of a year, and both should be discussed during a PA. conflicting Message: If a manager does not keep comments and precise accounts of member of staff behavior, they may not be victorious in sending a reliable message to the employee. We all move violently with remembrance with as busy as we all are so it is significant to document issues (both positive and negative) when it is fresh in our minds. Biases: It is complex to keep biases out of the PA procedure and it takes a very prearranged purpose method and a adult manager to stay unbiased through the practice. Performance Management Model The 7s model was is known as a Mc Kisneys 7s because of two person who has create this model. McKisneys 7-S framework was designed by Taneters and Robert waterman in 1980. The model was designed to improve the performance of the company and to examin the effect of future changes in the company. In order to improve the improve the performance of the company 7s model was used by Tesco. The Mc Kisneys 7s model include seven interdependent which are categorised as either hard of soft elements. Hard elements are easy to define and management can directly influence them. These are policy statement , organisation chart and reporting line of process in IT system. The model can be used by any organisation in order to improve the performance of the company or team. The best time to use the model is when any organisation merge with any other organisation or the leadership change or a new system were establish in the organisation Strategy : To create a plan to take a advantage of the competitive market Structure : The way that how the structure of the organisation was created System : The daily routine activities in the organisation by managers and employees Style : The way of working or behave to do something different Staff : capability , knowledge and skills of the employees Skills : The actual skill and compentences of the employees working with the organisation Tesco have use the 7s model in two ways. First is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation by gathering all 7s to each other. No S will consider as a strengths and no S will consider as the weakness. How the 7s model made to impact on other all 7s. Though the plan will according to 7s model it will make some effect on the other part of the organisation. Tesco have faced some difficulties to implement the 7s model, tesco wanted to bring the technological change in the organisation as a self checkout which was not a easy task for tesco. There are so many changes to do in the organisation but the area is very big, to implement it there are lot of things which were missing which called 7s features such as this should be bias of action but because of poor data of technology it was very hard to do. This system is new for the customer and it was the first experiment by tesco in retail industry so it was very risky for tesco. Common PM models, MBO, EFQM Excellence Model, BSC and how these are helpful to meet your organizational needs. The EFQM model was introduced in 1992 as the framework for assessing organisation. EFQM model helps organisation to how to make a development plan of the organisation. Where it includes the leaders of the organsition who create a vison of the company and people who helps to achieve the goal and to achieve the goal have to design a strategy that how to achieve the goal. The EFQM is working in a three different part like Input , process and output. In order to improve the cuetomer services EFQM model was adopt by the Tesco. As in leadership shows that tesco mission and objective policy is continuous plan to become market leader. As a first part of the EFQM model it shows input process or output process. The input process is worked in three different section like people , strategy and partnership and resourcs. On that a job has been done by tesco when they decide to bring the technological change in the organisation. To input that change tesco have design a policy that how to implement the plan in the organisation. Once the policy and strategy has been designed than it goes to the next stage which is called process where all the three different inputs have been gathered and put all of them in to process mapping and review, and health and safety plans, EU regulations ,logical framework approach , balance scorecard are self assessment by the IIP. When t he process was done there are three other points which mention the output as it results the three points are people result as people satisfaction , customer result as customer satisfaction and the society result as an impact of the society. The whole excellence model put an impact on organisation results as improving the finance indicators and other indicators which support the organisation , the reason is that the employees for organisation, internal audit to support the activities in the organisation which is beneficial for the others who are directly or non directly connected with the organisation. For few years ago employment engaging was a very hot topic in the corporate market. It is a birs phrase which captured the attention of work place observer and hr managers and the executives as well. The main reason to engage the people is to achieve the goal for the organisation. For any organisation it is difficult to achieve the goal if the employees will not work as a team. To create a team top management will design a strategy that how they will have to work. The top management have a power of authority so that they can implement the strategy as which is suitable to achieve the vision. Another part is when a vision or mission is create by the top management they should have to share with the every employees so vision is clear in the mind of every employees and they should also have to discuss about the benefits of the vision that if they achieve then what the benefits the employees will get. The tesco have create the vision to become the market leader in the UK market and for that tesco decide to its customer services. In order to improve customer services tesco decide to bring technology change as a SELFCHECKOUT which was well accept by the customers and as a result the sales of tesco was increased by 4% in just within two months. The co operative plan for tesco with models and approaches, though there are many models were used to achieve the goals but it is dame sure that the goals are SMART means Specific, Measurable, Attainable , Realistic and Time base. If any of them is missing then the vision can not be achieve. Tesco needs to engage the customer by using the power, power means no by the force but by influencing them. Tesco want the give the customer what they need like good customer services etc. which will make the clear way to achieve the goal for the organisation. The graph illustrate the situation of the vision of the tesco which tesco want to achieve. It shows that after implement the self checkout the growth of the company is keep going on. Every vision have some previous category but currently it shows the achievement of tesco from bottom to top level in all categories like change environment etc. Though tesco have well planned policy which help him to improve and also beneficial for the employees. As a strategic manager when you are giving your feedback to any employee of the organisation who is not performing well you should know that you are telling against him. You should have to use the proper communication language which dont effect the other person in a wrong way. As a manager you are giving your feedback that what you have observe in his job. The feedback should be intentionally but not personally. The impact of your feedback is either positive or negative. A positive feedback have two benefits. First is it gives confidence to the employees to be capable and second one is it helps him to promote his greater success. You must have to know that the motive of the feedback is to give motivation. â€Å"Wisdom of Teams â€Å" â€Å"A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.†The second importance factor on which company is reliable is performance. If the top management and the employees of the company will not perform well then the company will never get progress. The management and the staff are always working in two different types whether they are on X axis or on Y axis. These are the two theories which shows the working criteria of the company. In everu organisation the staff works in two different way. One is theory X and the other is theory Y. On theory X the staff is happy with what ever they have and they do not want to improve any thing though they can improve. The way they work is always repressive , authoritarian and hard control to show no improvement on their services. As a result it became a depressed or dead culture. At the other side in theory Y is focusing on liberating and development. The department ehich need control and always ready for other improvement. Tesco was also facing some problems as a part of theory X but the tesco has improve its technological power to reduce the pressure of work and to improve the customer services and to cover the more market share. Before implementing the self check out there was a threat in the employees that they may loose their job but once they have been trained and they realise the benefits of the new system they became stress free and start enjoying the work mentally and physically. If the organisation is in the stage of theory X then the development will never come and the management will have to use the force or coercion to get the staff compliance. On the other hand in theory Y we dont need to use the force to make threat. In theory Y there is no need of any kind of improvement in policy which remain stable. So the organisation can motivate the employees by giving them some incentives, good salary package, bonus , reward and many other extra facilities to improve the moral of the employees and reason for this is if the management wants to work with theory Y and staff wants to work with theory X then the company have to focus on the theory X so the incentives will motivate the employees and they will make progress. Political skills Without political skill the Performance management will never complete the major key of the company to fulfil the vision of the company. Though the politics is every where around the world but in the working area we need a positive politics. To manage the environment of the organisation by positioning which increase the creadibility in the pocket by getting some formal and informal success criteria in which the pocket challenge the status for the best term reason of the organisation. J.Chappelet, E.Bayle (2005) â€Å" an effective monitoring system for use in an organisation require an adequate information system that allow quick and flexible input, retrieval, and treatment of information.†As the statement tells about the flexible input, recovery and the treatment of information is essential Tesco do such thing with it to calculate and to observe and give the precedence of benefits, services to get improved and efficient performance by the employees. Tesco was measuring and monitoring the performance of the employees by separating in two parts extrinsic needs and fundamental needs. The extrinsic needs is that which needs external or outside show which is able to gathered the security and social terms like organisation benefits , job satisfaction , salary etc. On other side fundamental needs in built , inherent , legal , natural which collect the opportunities for the individual growth or as a team. â€Å"Performance appraisal is nothing but a process by which a manger or a consultant check and judge an employees work behaviour by comparing with the present standard†Tesco have adopt some method to appraise the employees such like : Give staff discount Clubcard bonus Free gift vouchers on some special occasion Salary increase after certain period Providing a good training to employees Ready to take the action against the staff complaint Also communicate with the staff to take some decision about the store Give bonus to the employees These are some appraisal methods which really motivate them to work hard and powerfully. BENEFITS TO EMPLOYEE: By appraisal there are so many benefits which the employees will get like their communication skill will generate and the employees will more focus on the customers and try their best to do good job , what ever the decision they make is more refined and they wil get proposal by appraisal and the main benefit is they can also generate their interpersonal skill which help them to know their job better. Another main benefit is that they can do better planning for the organisation work by heart and they became able to generate their productivity and team work. BENEFITS TO Tesco : After giving the appraisal to the employees the productivity will also increased in the staff members, new ideas will come in front of the management from the employees , team work will generate in all tesco workers , critical problems were solved and get possibility to improve the sales of the organisation by good performance of the team. FINDING AND RECOMMENDATION: The changes are cery big in the organisation. The tesco should make working policy to improve the performance and make a step which will guide them at every step. The Tesco is very vast by burden and it can consider the change in such a way to implement it. In any organisation change will take some time which organisation cant show clearly. There should be a tile limit for every vision which they cant go over the boundry. The theory which is based on the strategy can make better in compare to others, at the end when they see that how much the benefit they got it will always in positive only the condition is that it take some time to achieve. CONCLUSION: On above assignment we discuss about tesco that how tesco will come through in the market about the organisation performance. The discussion tells about the better performance of the employees and how they are beneficial for the organisation. There are so many models which be use to improve the performance but the two main model which are very famous is 7s model and EFQM model which shows that how the improvement require in the tesco and which model play an important role within the organisation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Style Analysis of Blog Writings :: Teaching Writing
Style Analysis of Blog Writings What is â€Å"style†in writing? After reading Strunk and White’s The elements of Style and Joseph William’s Style: Toward Clarity and Grace, I have come to understand what style is: I always thought of â€Å"style†as being your own, but through these books I learned that that’s not entirely true. â€Å"Style†is a mixture of many things and individualism only being one part, but for me the most important. Style is a way of writing clear, cohesive, grammatically correct and true to one’s self. White says in the last chapter of Elements of Style â€Å"style in the sense of what is distinguished and distinguishing.†(Strunk and White 66) Good writing is not that hard to achieve, any one can write well. If you write true to yourself it will make your writing better. Williams talks about â€Å"your voice†and so does Strunk and White. White says â€Å"All writers, by the way they use the language, reveal something of their spirits, their habits, their capacities and their biases.†(Srunk and White 67) Williams says â€Å"Writing well, they believe, has to do with being sincere, or writing how they speak, or finding their authentic voices, or just being born with the knack. (Williams 1) Good writing lets us know something about the writer even if it is technical. To be interesting we need some insight into the person’s feelings and thoughts. Writing should be something we enjoy not something that we dread or fear. Most people, students especially, have come to hate writing because they don’t know the â€Å"rules†and are afraid to make mistakes. It seems that people are more concerned with correct grammar then content. It is important to have good grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but what you have to say is the most important. People spend so much time worrying about what their paper looks like, then what it sounds like. Sitting down to write a paper can be intimating and sometimes it is hard to organize our thoughts to put them down on paper. I feel that reading books like Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace is helpful, but practice is the key to good writing. I had never heard of until I was introduced to it by my English class. I found the blog entries to be a helpful assignment, because the best way to become a good writer is by practice. Style Analysis of Blog Writings :: Teaching Writing Style Analysis of Blog Writings What is â€Å"style†in writing? After reading Strunk and White’s The elements of Style and Joseph William’s Style: Toward Clarity and Grace, I have come to understand what style is: I always thought of â€Å"style†as being your own, but through these books I learned that that’s not entirely true. â€Å"Style†is a mixture of many things and individualism only being one part, but for me the most important. Style is a way of writing clear, cohesive, grammatically correct and true to one’s self. White says in the last chapter of Elements of Style â€Å"style in the sense of what is distinguished and distinguishing.†(Strunk and White 66) Good writing is not that hard to achieve, any one can write well. If you write true to yourself it will make your writing better. Williams talks about â€Å"your voice†and so does Strunk and White. White says â€Å"All writers, by the way they use the language, reveal something of their spirits, their habits, their capacities and their biases.†(Srunk and White 67) Williams says â€Å"Writing well, they believe, has to do with being sincere, or writing how they speak, or finding their authentic voices, or just being born with the knack. (Williams 1) Good writing lets us know something about the writer even if it is technical. To be interesting we need some insight into the person’s feelings and thoughts. Writing should be something we enjoy not something that we dread or fear. Most people, students especially, have come to hate writing because they don’t know the â€Å"rules†and are afraid to make mistakes. It seems that people are more concerned with correct grammar then content. It is important to have good grammar, punctuation, and spelling, but what you have to say is the most important. People spend so much time worrying about what their paper looks like, then what it sounds like. Sitting down to write a paper can be intimating and sometimes it is hard to organize our thoughts to put them down on paper. I feel that reading books like Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace is helpful, but practice is the key to good writing. I had never heard of until I was introduced to it by my English class. I found the blog entries to be a helpful assignment, because the best way to become a good writer is by practice.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ethics Utilitarianism Essay
a.) Explain the main differences between the utilitarianism of Bentham and that of Mill. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that looks at the concept of `utility`, or the usefulness of actions. Two of the most famous Utilitarians were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill; Bentham was the first to introduce the theory, and his views were more similar to that of Act Utilitarianism. Mill on the other hand differed in his views, and his intention was to improve the theory, and his ideas were closer to that of Rule Utilitarianism; and Mill was also the one to coin the name of the theory. Although it is the same theory, the two philosophers had two different concepts of the best approach to Utilitarianism. One of the main differences between the two philosophers view of utility is their idea of the intrinsic good. For Bentham, the goodness of actions is measured by the amount of pleasure they produce. For him, two things were the most important, the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of p ain, and so happiness is pleasure without pain. Bentham produced his `hedonic calculus` to calculate the amount of pleasure produced by actions, which includes categories such as measuring the intensity, duration, and purity of pleasure to work out the best actions to take. This is because Bentham was a hedonist; he thought the best way to live life is the most pleasurable way. Although he never specifically said himself, it is thought that he would have preferred Act Utilitarianism, which looks at individual acts, and the amount of pleasure they generate, in each situation. This differs from Mill in that he thought the goodness of actions is based on the amount of happiness they produce. The practice of following a rule creates happiness, rather than looking at every separate act; it is thought that he was closer to a Rule Utilitarian, which involves following rules to create greater happiness. Furthermore, Bentham’s Utilitarianism is much more focussed on the individual. The individual judges each act by its utility, and the amount of pleasure it will produce; as it is about the quantity of pleasure, for Bentham, which decides which action should be taken. The motivation is for self-interest, which means that often justice can be ignored, as the focus is not on the wider public, which is different from Mill’s approach. Mill’s approach involves looking at the happiness of the community, so justice is addressed, and well-being has utmost importance. To make it more universal he said that each desires their own happiness, so they should aim at it, and furthermore everyone ought to aim for the happiness for everyone else too, making sympathy the motive for doing an action. Both approaches are consequentialist, but for Mill, an ethical act is one where the consequences favour the happiness and wellbeing of all. His approach also looks at the quality of the activities as well, arguing that certain things can be rated as `higher` and `lower ` pleasures. He said that food, sex and drink are of the `lower` category, whereas poetry, opera and fine art and the like are of the `higher` pleasures, and that we should strive for pleasure of better quality, of a more high-class lifestyle, as they are of more value. Whereas Bentham uses the example of a game of `push-pin` (a children’s game) gives the same amount of pleasure as a good book, Mill argues against that saying the quality of the pleasure is what is importance. Essentially, what makes an act ethical for Bentham is the amount of pleasure that is produced for the individual, and duration and intensity etc. For J.S. Mill, an act is ethical if it follows more set rules, how much happiness is produced on a larger scale, and the quality of the pleasure, rather than the quantity. b.) `Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior in every way to the Utilitarianism of Bentham`. Discuss. Both Mill and Bentham wished to produce an ethical theory that created the most happiness, which is what they believed to be the basis for justice, and the best way of living. However, since they saw the way to achieve this happiness in different light, they had different approaches to the theory, meaning that one approach will be considered superior to the other. In my opinion, it is true that Mill’s approach is superior to Bentham’s, although not in every way. Firstly, it must be considered that it is not certain which `type` of Utilitarianism each philosopher preferred. Generally it is thought that Bentham took the Act approach, and Mill the Rule approach, however neither put themselves in any of the categories, so it is therefore debatable. It is evident that both do not stick completely to the respective approaches; as an example, Mill was known to write, â€Å"Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness†, which implies a prefe rence to Act Utilitarianism, although others still think that he may even have been a virtue ethicist. For the sake of this writing though, I will categorise each philosopher to their assumed approach. John Stuart Mill was very familiar with Jeremy Bentham in person, as he was Bentham’s godson, and it is evident how this relationship affected his view on ethics. Mill attempted to improve Bentham’s theory, this concept of utility, which Mill coined `Utilitarianism`. However, his whole idea of the `greatest good for the greatest number` was accentuated by Mill when he made it more focussed on the community. As he thought more that happiness should be the standard of utility, not the self-centred pleasure. This improves the theory, as otherwise everybody will be focussing on themselves, and in many situations the pleasure of one person may exclude the happiness of many. I think it is also more appropriate inside the theory; as, if one looks out for the community, it seems more likely that the greatest good for the greatest number will be reached. Likewise, Mill’s idea of happiness being about the quality, not the quantity of pleasure, is to an extent better. The higher pleasures taking preference over the lower kinds of pleasures seem to fit with the quality of life, education and so forth. However, there is a danger that this idea quickly becomes snobbish, and puts the higher classes above those who would prefer rap music over opera. I suppose that this could make Mill’s approach `superior`, but in the way that is arrogant and conceited, rather than the definition of superior meaning improved. This shows how the theory is counter-intuitive in some areas; in how the community has importance, and not just the individual; and yet Mill still argues that the quality of pleasure takes precedence over the quantity, which seems to contradict the idea of community, and involve multiple classes. Another negative side of Mill’s theory is that he makes a jump with his universalisability ideas. He makes an inductive leap in saying that just because one person desires their own happiness they will naturally aim for the happiness of everyone else. John Rawls was known for criticising Mill and how it is not ethical to assume that one person would do something for a group, and how people can be used a means to an end because of that. Theoretically it is a suitable idea, that everyone would look out for the happiness for everyone else, but in practice it is not logical, he is separating morality and motive. An alternative approach to Utilitarianism would be that of Henry Sidgwick. In his book `The method of Ethics` he explained how he was concerned with justice in society. Although he was an Act Utilitarian like Bentham, his approach was similar to Mill’s, in that the consequences take into account the welfare of the people. This is an improvement again on Bentham’s ethics as justice and welfare have importance over the selfish desires of individuals, which supports Mill and his superiority over Bentham’s Utilitarianism. In conclusion, Mill’s Utilitarianism is superior to that of Bentham’s, in that it looks at the welfare of the people more, and even though it is snobbish in some areas where Bentham’s approach is better, overall Mill’s approach is more improved as it looks as the happiness of others.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How To Use Evernote For Blogging To Boost Your Efficiency
How To Use Evernote For Blogging To Boost Your Efficiency Tons of people use Evernote. More than 100 million, in fact- and that was two years ago. And lots of those folks are bloggers and marketers like Colin here: A1: I usually start with ideas and planning in Evernote. #CoChat Colin Haas (@colinmhaas) June 4, 2015 Some awesome bloggers like Michael Hyatt are also extremely vocal about using Evernote for blogging- just check out his ultimate guide to creating blog posts with Evernote. So last week when made it possible to convert Evernote to WordPress, we thought youd enjoy some actionable advice on how to use Evernote for blogging and content marketing. Yeah, let me repeat that quick: You can now turn Evernote notes into WordPress blog posts with . Here is how to use Evernote for blogging (and stick around to the end for tips on how we use Evernote at ). How To Use Evernote For #Blogging To Boost Your EfficiencyWhy Evernote Is Awesome For Blogging Evernote, at its core, is a note-taking tool. It helps you organize notes into notebooks, which helps you remember everything. You can use Evernote for anything. For bloggers, that includes marketing strategy, content plans, meeting or interview notes (and you can also record the audio), content ideas, research, and actual content creation. You can use Evernote anywhere. The tool integrates with literally hundreds of other apps and devices, some of which you're probably using already, like . Because Evernote focuses on making the tool useful for any device, you can take notes wherever you are. You don't even need to be online- when you have an idea while on an airplane, you can still make a note that will sync with your other devices once you find the Internet later (because let's face it, who pays $10 to have sketchy Internet for a couple hours?). And because of that, you have access to all of your blogging notes wherever you are. While it's a simple concept, Evernote has some serious features that make it a blogger's best friend. 1. Capture Blog Post Ideas In Evernote Any blogger who's been at it for a while will relate to Emma's problem with blog post ideas here: @eradscantina see ideas always come at inconvenient times and by the time I get home its gone - I write it down now Emma White (@TheRealSupermum) March 19, 2015 It seems like great post ideas come- they exist for a few seconds- then we forget them. Since Evernote is on your smartphone (which, let's face it, is always with you), you can use it to "write it down now" and never forget an idea again. Get Started: Set up a notebook for all of your blog post ideas. This notebook is where you'll add every blog post idea as an individual note. So how can Evernote help you capture blog post ideas? Use Web Clipper and the Evernote Helper to store your ideas. How many times have you cruised the interwebs and found inspiration for a blog post? Evernote's Web Clipper is awesome for capturing those fleeting thoughts before you ever forget them. With search engines like Google looking further into facts, data, and research in your posts to rank them higher on their search engine results pages, Evernote makes it easier to gather the information you need to boost your SEO. Watch this, and you'll know exactly how to use Web Clipper in less than a minute: Here are a few ways you can use Evernote's Web Clipper and Helper for blogging: Read blogs in your niche. When they have a great idea, blow their post away with something way better. Capture that post with the Web Clipper to save the idea. You may already have a few blog post ideas and are doing online research to validate your points. Web Clipper gives you the opportunity to copy entire articles into your Evernote. Another option for research, and my preferred, is to use Evernote Helper to copy and paste URLs and even the coolest facts, quotes, or pieces of inspiration. That way, there are fewer notes to sort through in Evernote, but you capture the gist of what you needed with a link to reference the source. And you can do all that without ever leaving your browser, which saves a ton of time. Get started with Evernote's free Web Clipper to gather blog post ideas easier than ever. Just imagine how many more ideas you'll have in your drafts bin! And how much time that can save you when writing your posts. Use Skitch to take screen shots with arrows, notes, and highlighted areas. Skitch is a super powerful tool to take screen shots and provide context to your readers to help them understand what to focus on. I've seen tons of bloggers use Skitch including thought leaders like Neil Patel. You may already know the importance of using visuals in your blog posts: 60% of your audience is visual learners. Skitch makes it easy to include more images in your posts to help you visually tell your story. Again, Evernote pulled together a great 2-minute video to show off some of the ways you can use Skitch to take screen shots and mark up pictures: Skitch makes blogging easier for four reasons: Skitch is excellent for showing your customers and prospects exactly how to do something on your website or with your product. Our customer success team at could probably not survive without the help of Skitch to annotate "how-tos" for help docs. And if you read this post about marketing calendars, you would understand why at least some product-centric content should come first before inbound-only content. Lots of bloggers like to include screenshots of Web pages that prove their points. Skitch makes it easy to take the screen shots and hone in on specific areas by using rectangles, arrows, and text. That gives your screen shots more context, which is super helpful when you rely on visuals to tell your story. The blur out tool is super handy. I thought I'd never really use it, but when you take a screen shot of your own social media accounts or examples from forums (you get the picture), it's nice to keep information private while getting your point across. Trust me, this is a billion times easier than figuring out how to do it with a tool like Photoshop. Skitch connects directly into Evernote. Once you're done with your image, you can simply drag and drop your Skitch image into the note where you're working on your post. That keeps your content in one place when you're researching, outlining, and gathering information in general. Get Skitch for free now to include better annotated images and screenshots on your blog. Email blog post ideas directly into Evernote. If you've never used Evernote before for capturing your blog ideas, I totally get the learning curve of figuring out a new tool. So why not start gathering ideas with a tool you've used for years- your email- and simply send them directly into Evernote? Michael Hyatt has a detailed post to help you understand the tech behind this. It's really simple to get started: Find your Evernote email address in Account Info More Account Settings. Optimize your subject lines to add emails as notes directly into your existing notebooks with tags and reminders. Your subject line becomes your note name, so use this syntax: Note Name @Notebook Name #Tag Name !YYYY/MM/DD. Send your email. Even if you don't remember the subject line syntax, that's fine. The email will just go into your default folder which you can change under Preferences General. While you could move files from your default, it saves a ton of time to learn the subject line syntax now and simply know that your notes are filed properly without any other manual steps. This feature is awesome for bloggers and marketers: You may subscribe to a few different blogs to receive their content via email. Now that you use Evernote, when an email comes through with an idea you love, you can easily forward it directly into Evernote to turn that email into a note in your "Blog Post Ideas" notebook. When you come up with an idea as you look through your email, just write yourself an email and send it into Evernote. That keeps you focused on getting through email without ever leaving the tool, and you won't forget your blog post idea. You may have an approval process or want some general feedback before pursuing a blog post idea. You can easily write the email to whomever you'd like, and send it directly into your Evernote. Pro Tip: If you're a Gmail user, there is also a way to clip email threads with Web Clipper to send them directly into Evernote. 3 bonus ways to capture blog post ideas with Evernote. Admittedly, I don't use these ways often (yet). But they sound pretty powerful for those of you who blog slightly differently than me: If you're a big fan of writing posts on paper- or gathering some of your thoughts on graphic designs, brainstorms, etc. offline- you can easily scan directly into Evernote. While I've never scanned, I've definitely taken pictures on my phone and added them into Evernote, which is super easy, too! If you're a big reader, chances are, blog post ideas come to you all the time from the books you read. You can actually use Kindle's highlighter tool and get all of the awesome quotes you highlighted into Evernote for blog post fodder. Imagine book reviews or even a nice area for your favorite quotes to use in multiple posts. 6 Ways To Capture Blog Post Ideas With Evernote2. Write Your Blog Posts In Evernote Michael Hyatt has some great advice for turning blog post ideas in Evernote into actual content. Begin with a template and flesh out your blog post outline right in Evernote: Set up a blogging template in Evernote. There are certain components that I want to create or collect for every blog post. For example, I am now using the SCORREâ„ ¢ method from the Dynamic Communicators Workshop (DCW) to prepare every post. This is an acronym for Subject, Central Theme, Objective Statement, Rationale, and Evaluation. I store my template in an Evernote notebook called Templates, along with numerous other templates I use on a regular basis. Michael even included a screen shot of his template you can use to build your own: Essentially, you'll use this template to turn a blog post idea into real content. This is an easy way to shape up an outline for your posts, getting the inspiration flowing for that idea you may have thrown in Evernote a couple weeks or even months ago. Here is that blog post template in text format so you can easily copy and paste it into a new note in your Evernote: Subject: [What do I want to talk about?] Central Theme: [What do I want to focus on?] Objective Statement: Persuasive: Every person should ___ because of/for ___ (keyword). Enabling: Every person can ___ by ___ (keyword). Rationale: Resources: [Title Ideas] [Illustrations] [Images] [Links] Evaluation: Write the first draft Edit the first draft Read it aloud Insert relevant HTML code Publish a draft Proof-read the draft and make corrections Insert metadata and run post through ScribeSEO Tweak as necessary Schedule for publication Set the featured image in WordPress Draft: [Lead Paragraph] [Relevant Image] [Personal Experience] [Rationale] [Conclusion] [Discussion Question] Outline your posts to write them better and faster. #bloggingtipsWhat I like about this template is that it helps you turn an idea into real content. It helps you focus on: Finding unique angles for your posts so you don't sound just like everybody else. Focusing on objectives that essentially answer the question, "What will my audience learn when they read this post?" Targeting keywords your audience uses to help them find your content through search engines. Brainstorming many different headlines to eventually choose the best ones for your blog posts. Following a simple, task-based workflow to make sure you don't accidentally forget something as you write and publish your posts. And one of the cool things about this template is that you can tweak and customize it for your own preferences. At least now, you have a starting point to see what it may look like in your Evernote. Recommended Reading: How To Write A Blog Post: Your 5-Point Checklist To Rock A Perfect Post 4-Step System For Writing A Great Blog Post, Even If You Have Writers Block How To Write Blog Posts (Even When You Really Don’t Want To) How To Save Time Writing Blog Posts 3. Publish Your Blog Posts From Evernote To WordPress (Or Wherever, Really) Well, technically you can actually publish your blog posts from Evernote to WordPress- or to HTML or PDFs. It's all possible with the new integration between Evernote and your editorial calendar. Watch this video to learn exactly how to plan your Evernote notes as content with your editorial calendar: Sidebar: Some of you- the planning nerds like me- may want to plan your Evernote posts on your editorial calendar before you start writing it. There are a lot of benefits of doing just that: You can plan your time a whole lot better by knowing what you'll publish ahead of time. Planning ideas on your calendar will help you prioritize your blog posts based on what has the best opportunity to "move the needle" or in real people words- it focuses your energy on the projects your audience should really love. Your editorial calendar provides a list of publish dates. So whatever tasks you do to make a blog post happen, you can work backward to knock them all out before you wake up and think, "Crap! I need to write and publish a post today!" And planning your Evernote ideas on your editorial calendar- even before you write the posts- is totally possible. Follow this same process, just write your posts later on. The process is simple: Connect your Evernote notebooks into . Drag and drop your notes from your drafts bin in as real content on your editorial calendar. Use the workflows and communication you love in for managing your Evernote-created content. When your Evernote content is ready to publish, send it to WordPress, or even share it as a link, HTML, or a PDF. After publish, use your social queue to promote your content right from . It's seriously that easy. Bonus! How Really Uses Evernote You just learned how to capture blog post ideas, write your blog posts in Evernote, and how to transfer your posts to WordPress and beyond. Well done! So here's a bonus of how we use Evernote for blogging at . 1. Capture blog post ideas in Evernote. You just read all about this in some extreme detail, so I'll save you from repeating myself on the how-to process. At , we capture blog post ideas using the Web Clipper, Evernote Helper, and email into Evernote features. Right now, we have one note where anyone on the team can add in ideas, too. That way, if it's just one sentence and a link to the source of inspiration, we have slightly fewer notes to sift through for the good ideas versus the stinkers. We use one notebook for all of our notes relating to blog post ideas. That same notebook is where we start to flesh out posts, too, with research. Use Evernote to capture your blog post ideas. Here's how to turn them into real, published content.2. Research blog post ideas with Evernote. Once we vet our ideas to know if they're any good, we throw them on the calendar as Content in . From here, we use Evernote's tools like Web Clipper and Evernote Helper as we conduct online research to fact-check our posts before we ever write them. This also plays into Evernote's ability to record audio. We do a lot of case study-esque content to help our audience learn how to plan content even better from the pros who use like Raven Tools, Convince and Convert, and THINK creative group. After doing a few of these interviews with me writing a million miles an hour, I started researching how to record what my interviewees are saying to help me focus on the conversation instead of just writing down their answers to my questions. I'm excited to try out the recording feature for the next interview. Pro Tip: Folks like Krista and Ashton on our team use the recording feature to remember what Garrett says during meetings. He's got a bunch of ideas, so this way, we can all go back and make sure we knock out projects without forgetting any details. (He has lots of ideas, by the way). 3. Write your blog posts in Evernote. Garrett has mentioned this before: He writes every post in Evernote. It's nice to forget about formatting for a little bit, and concentrate purely on writing great content. Here's what Garrett has to say about it: One of my all time favorite writing tools is most definitely Evernote. I use it to keep track of all of my blog post ideas and regularly add notes and outlines to my documents as I come up with new ideas or details for posts. With Evernote, I can easily take my â€Å"blogging brain†on the go, so time and location are never a limitation to my writing process. Here's a screen shot of how he starts with a brief idea, then fleshes out his outline in Evernote first, then fills in the blanks with his real posts: Read the post this outline turned into: How To Save Time Writing Blog Posts. 4. Plan a note for this week's projects, what's on deck for next week, and all upcoming projects. I'm at risk to nerd out right now. So I'll try to be as clear as possible. is a software as a service (SaaS) startup built on agile development processes. That works for us for the development team, so we've adopted that model of project management for marketing. Essentially, we have one note to which the entire team has access. This note has three main sections: Active Projects: What are we doing this week? On Deck Projects: What are we planning to do next week? Upcoming Projects: What are things we could do, but aren't planning to do quite yet? Some projects constantly happen every week- so we know they'll happen- like publishing on our blog, sending emails and newsletters, and hosting our Twitter chat. Yet this process, managed at a high-level in an Evernote note, helps us plan the additional projects we're working on. This note serves as the itinerary for our Monday marketing meetings, and helps us talk through the projects, know who the owners are, and address any road blocks. Read this post on Evernote's blog for a lot more detail on how we use Evernote to coordinate marketing and our team. 5. Document your progress toward your marketing goals with Evernote. I just mentioned we have marketing meetings on Mondays. Just as it's important for us to know what we're doing this week and get a glimpse of next week's projects, it's super important for us to understand how our past marketing performed so we can optimize future projects. Document your progress toward your marketing goals with Evernote. Here's how.We document our progress toward our marketing goals in a notebook with new notes added once a week to track weekly progress. Our goals include increasing: Social media shares Traffic Email subscribers Customer conversions Our weekly reports run through stats from a bunch of different tools, often of screenshots of various dashboards showing our weekly progress: Social media analytics from Traffic reports from Google Analytics Email subscribers from Campaign Monitor and KISSmetrics Customer conversions from Intercom and KISSmetrics At the start of a new month, we'll look at how all the data added up. Basically, we look for trends to understand what's working and what's not so that we prioritize our time (and future projects) according to what will drive growth. Evernote helps us track all of that. 6. Have one notebook for active projects and separate notebooks for ongoing projects. I don't like clutter. So I don't like new notebooks for every project because sometimes they're really small and then notebooks just sit there, making it difficult for me to see the few notebooks I use every day. We have one notebook for one-off active marketing projects we're working through. We actually write a lot of our content in Evernote notes, whether it's blog posts, Web pages, landing pages, case studies, tear sheets- you name it. When a project is done, we move the notes to another notebook for closed marketing projects. This keeps it simple to archive since we've most likely edited the content once it was formatted, so we consider the final published content to be the master source. For ongoing projects like our #CoChat Twitter chat, we have a notebook to which we add new notes all the time. For example, it makes sense to manage all of our #CoChat stuff together, and to easily reference what we've created in the past. How Will You Use Evernote For Blogging And Marketing? The beautiful thing about Evernote is that there are a billion different ways to use it. We'd love to hear how you use Evernote for blogging!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How the Internet Fuels Terrorism
How the Internet Fuels Terrorism Free Online Research Papers The First Amendment is the bedrock of the United States, and without adherence to First Amendment rights and privileges, America will suffer. The Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) was first enacted in 1978 and subsequently modified extensively with the USA Patriot Act of 2001. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the federal government ramped up its security investigations to gather intelligence on foreign terrorist groups seeking to destroy the spread of democracy. The proliferation of satellite communications is allowing these terrorist groups to exchange information and coordinate attacks on their â€Å"enemies.†Introduction The First Amendment’s protection of free speech is the United States’ bedrock and is being threatened by the internet explosion that is being misused by global terrorists. The explosion in technology over the last two decades laid the framework for interconnectivity opening communication channels twenty-four hours per day, 365 days per year to every corner of the world. Internet connections can be achieved with satellite technology through out the globe allowing entrepreneurs to maintain continuous trade, medical professionals to collaborate cures, academics to correlate research, law enforcement to snoop on every human being and terrorists to plot world destruction. With any good technology, there are always those schemers trying to make illicit profits or to cause harm to settle personal vendettas or advance personal goals. In particular, the United States has taken up radical Islamists as its twenty-first century enemy. The U.S. government has reorganized nation al security to battle the terrorists until financial ruin or victory is achieved over the terrorists. To battle terrorists, America primarily uses the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) first enacted in 1978 and subsequently modified extensively with the USA Patriot Act of 2001 ( After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, the federal government ramped up its security investigations to gather intelligence on foreign terrorist groups seeking to destroy the spread of democracy. The proliferation of satellite communications allows terrorist groups to exchange information and coordinate attacks on their â€Å"enemies.†FISA provisions of court ordered warrants by Supreme Court nominees and the Constitution are now being ignored for the sake of fighting the global war on terror. Freedom of Speech When the founding fathers began writing the constitution of the USA it focused on individual rights and responsibilities. The first known formalization of the concept of free speech recorded is the appearance of Sir Thomas More before King Henry VIII in 1523 (Freedom of Speech, 2007). Since free speech has been a governmental concept for only the last six centuries, continued prescription is inevitable. With today’s litigious society, limits and expanses of free speech will be continually challenged. The United Nations in 1948 attempted to universalize the right to free speech without fear of incarceration (Freedom of Speech, 2007). Certain speech that is intended to incite a riot or violence is generally restricted as the public need to peace and tranquility takes the forefront. Referencing Wikipedia, one must note that many countries are listed for their advances in declarations of rights to free speech, but it is quite notable that Middle Eastern countries are missing . This paper will attempt to bring to the forefront the immense challenge of encouraging technology deployment while maintaining a vigilant watch on terrorists that seek to do harm to America and its many freedom partners. Regulations That Promote Free Speech The Constitution and its Bill of Rights are the foundation of the Freedom of Speech. Our judicial system continually referees challenges to the First Amendment. Landmark cases that limit free speech are noteworthy and somewhat numerous: 1) Miller test for obscenity, 2) Copyright protections, 3) Roth versus the United States, and 4) the Pruneyard Case. Freedom of speech in the U.S. generally allows anyone to say anything, print any publication, or broadcast any media without censorship only to defend its permissibility and its innocence after the fact. Larry Flint is one of those willing to challenge all boundaries of obscenity and be very willing to suffer the consequences. Flint could definitely be called a First Amendment martyr. With so many means of media and communication, many federal agencies come into the foray to protect free speech. Besides federal, common and case law, the United States takes to heart international law such as the United Nations Universal Declaratio n of Human Rights. Article 19 of that UN declaration states, everyone has the right to opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, regardless of frontiers (Freedom of Speech, 2007). The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with its traditional challenge of reigning in unruly broadcasters and publishers must now face the perils of unfettered internet access. The internet opens up so many means of communicating – both beneficial and harmful. Specifically the FCC utilizes post facto sanctions to punish media providers that violate community standards definitions of obscenity or indecency. Since internet transmissions can come from anywhere in the world into every living room in the world, the FCC has an almost insurmountable challenge to protect the new digital age of communication while building â€Å"firewalls†to protect against terrorism. Protecting Internet Free Speech The First Amendment will always take the form of granite for America with the judicial system continuing to define the crystals that form the rock. Public action groups such as and serve as citizen referees to maintain the internet and other public venues available to all to express opinions openly. A recent victory for these groups was the defeat of Senator Ted Stevens’ H.R. 5252 Telco bill that was seen as very pro-industry and anti-public in nature (Huge Victory†¦, 2007). The bill and the subsequent fight to defeat featured the concept of net neutrality. Net neutrality focuses on the process design of the internet and not the content; passage of the Stevens’ bill would have allowed internet providers to price web content according to a scale that would have left public non-corporate content at hit 1,000,000 plus. Most call the processing system of the internet, the pipes (internet backbone on servers, fiber optic netwo rks and web portals). Supporters of net neutrality stress that the pipe owners maintain a reasonable separation so content will not be slanted too far left or right. Traditional media such as newspapers definitely show political leanings by their editorials, and the internet serves as the virtual scales of justice. While net neutrality focused on the backbone, other groups trying to protect the internet are the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT). One example of federal law protecting internet content was the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) that offers protection to intellectual property (Free Speech, 2006). Such property takes the form of something as simple as clipart: ?. One well established protection for reporters that allows anonymous sources to remain anonymous is being afforded via internet bloggers for the most part. These attempts to extend free speech protections to the digital world closely track laws and regulations in the traditional beacons of transparency: vagueness, overbreadth, and prior restraint. With the internet being the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed, the right to free speech will be tested until t he end of time. Invasions of Privacy Big brother is watching. George Orwell would love to rewrite his classic book, 1984, based on such organizations as the Army Web Risk Assessment Cell (AWRAC) (Reed, 2007). AWARAC operates automated surveillance of troops’ blogs and web content to control careless or possible malicious release of secret data. In the meantime AWARAC can scan soldier’s complaints. Many soldiers typically disagree at one time or another about command’s direction, but the internet allows a bon fire of unlimited blogging that could lead to detrimental troop morale. This example portrays the possibility of common citizen monitoring very plausible. Of course, it is not illegal to search the internet for say military complaints randomly, but if the government sets up digital programs to monitor all lanes of free speech that leaders find displeasing, an invasion of privacy is inevitable. The internet has given birth to the newest crime category and venue of today: cyber crime and internet terrorism. These new crime areas threaten aviation, financial security, national security, identities and national defense. Committing criminal or forbidden acts can take the simple form of posting a blog where an Army unit is traveling. Travel fears should ripple when someone hacks into the Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic control server to change location displays of various aircraft in order that several horrendous crashes occur simultaneously. The question remains, if individuals knowingly or innocently violate laws and regulations, does that give the government carte blanche to monitor all internet transmissions? This appears to violate the innate right of Americans to say and print almost anything to only suffer consequences later. To battle these new crime channels, governments must tune traditional intelligence gathering and sharing paradigms. To establish and adjudicate security clearances for all levels of government is essentially unachievable. To fight these new breeds of terrorists, all levels of government must be keen to threats, vigilantly share information with other agencies and in turn receive valuable intelligence to shift resources in preparation for upcoming attacks. Intelligence officers today need to be master surfers as well as master data analysts. When all sects of society join together and the federal government sharpens their intelligence frameworks, homeland security can be continuously improved. Global Internet Technologies To imagine that America’s homeland security can be threatened by something as simple as a bicycle powered generator and a 30-inch dish with a $150 laptop changes all preconceived ideas of typical criminal backrooms. Simple technology is being developed to spread educational opportunities throughout the world, but that same capability can easily deliver Al Qaeda’s next operation order to attack a U.S. Embassy in Tanzania. Communication has always been vital to the battlefield, but with instantaneous messaging, Osama Bin Laden could direct a strike against any target at any time with a $100 GPS that is accurate to within 100 feet. Various groups will continue the development of simple and easy to use computing technologies, and this information sharing may help inform diverse groups to understand others so they are not feared or hated. One such foundation is One Laptop Per Child which deploys laptops to impoverished children (Hilton, 2006). These laptops do not have much software but come with wireless network connectivity. Network connections take the form of existing cellular telephone networks, long-range microwave and satellite fed networks. Besides expansion of educational opportunities, this technology explosion opens up new venues for holding national elections, agricultural trading, medical treatment extension, and banking. Internet Technologies Used by Terrorist Originally hackers were very annoying to the point that computers were corrupted requiring operating systems to be reinstalled. Bruce Berkowitz stated in 2001, â€Å"the real threat is not the hackers you see; it’s the ones you don’t.†Now those same hackers are being hired by terrorists to look for data to discover vulnerabilities of their enemies to cause havoc. The simplest method to battle an electronic enemy is to develop advanced technology continuously: firewalls, encryption programs, and training vigilant users. This technology of course has to be home grown. Traditional national security intelligence efforts are known for their reports and briefs and now need to be known for their internet savvy. If the federal government can attract young techies with the glamour to be the next 007, our intelligence efforts will be back at the forefront. As vast and diverse illicit uses of the internet become evermore prevalent, the costs to society to counter cyberterrorism will impact the free flow of information. Intelligence agencies must reform around internet connectivity to analyze potential enemies as well as serving as the microscope to dissect who and what is being planned. Some of the many ways the internet can be used by terrorists are psychological warfare, propaganda, fundraising, recruitment, data mining, and coordination of actions. Foreign Terrorist Organizations designated under the U.S. Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 almost all unanimously maintained websites by year 2000 (Weimann, 2004). These organizations employ webmasters that change internet protocol (IP) addresses almost daily and upload and remove websites as quick as a mouse click. The first avenue of eight different ways to use the internet by terrorists is psychological warfare. All modern armies use some psychological warfare. Terrorist are very good at disinformation causing fear and panic with fake attacks. This method draws eerie similarities to Orson Well’s War of the World’s infamous radio show nearly effecting pandemonium. Information is powerful, and terrorists who learn how and when to spread disinformation may cause almost as much damage as rockets. The USA’s most wanted terrorist organization, Al Qaeda, wages continuous fake attacks on the US, like white envelopes with white powder. These attacks typically cause some level of alarm that impacts the stock and bond markets, but principally diverts intelligence resources away from a possible another September 11, 2001. The second focus area, publicity and propaganda, are used by terrorists to gain public awareness and empathy for their cause and financial support. One key area that is always stressed is the perils faced by their captured comrades. Those prisoners are touted as being religious zealots not terrorists. Religious groups should have a free reign to practice their religion, but when that practice takes the form of collaborated Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), those groups must be controlled. Terrorists claim that their point of view will not be heard without explosions, that their way of life is being attacked by the West, and that their espousing of sovereignty is their sole goal. All of these goals gel easily around the internet’s free, unfettered and uncensored communication. It is strange to think that the internet is the ultimate symbol of a free world but is also a terrorist’s greatest weapon. The third area that terrorists focus on is data mining. This area is exploited by all parties – good and bad. When one thinks that there are over a billion pages of information on the internet, it is easy to see that this is much more valuable than all the South African diamond mines together. A simple Yahoo search on the term â€Å"internet terrorism†yields over 24 million hits. Since the internet grows by the nanosecond, information analyzing is becoming infinite. Terrorists form such organizations as the Muslim Hackers Club who disseminates sensitive or classified information such as Secret Service radio frequencies, electronic virus tutorials, and building blueprints (Weimann, 2004). When the US discovered Al Qaeda with U.S. dam drawings, the Army Corps of Engineers stop posting engineering project designs as a part of contract solicitations. These contract packages are now only available on a bona fide need to know. A real security challenge remains to pro tect key infrastructure sites around the world, and this increasing effort to protect will no doubt close venues to public access in the future. How is all of this paid for? Fundraising on the internet becomes a very economical means. Howard Dean displayed in the 2004 US Presidential election that raising funds on the internet is very viable. Terrorist publish overseas account numbers for sympathizers to make deposits. Many groups that appear to be legitimate non-profits are in fact fronts for jihadist groups. One uncanny example is that of Sami Hussayen who was a doctoral candidate in computer science supported by the National Security Agency. He was found to be creating websites that disseminated radical jihadist messages. Supporters of various terrorists are recruited and mobilized easily through the web and its many tangles. The perils of internet cookies tastes bitter when one is considered to be targeted for donations or moral support because of their perusing of terrorist websites. Principally the internet is used to sway sympathizers to join the militias based on their anti-American propaganda and religious decrees. Al Qaeda is the principal group using the internet to stage recruitment campaigns. The internet is also used to invoke public displays of support as demonstrated by the world wide collective protest to the arrest of Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of the Kurdist terrorist group, Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) (Weimann, 2004). The internet perfectly enables Al Qaeda and Hamas to form loose coalitions of terrorism organizations. Since these organizations are constantly being hunted by the western world, a traditional hierarchical structure is not easily maintained. The internet lends itself to horizontally organized groups dispersed all over the world. Bombs are being built by these groups with online assembly manuals, and the terror cells are formed lightening quick and text message operation orders are issued to place and detonate those bombs. The seventh area terrorists are using the internet is information sharing – collaboration. Three scary publications found on the internet are 1) The Terrorist’s Handbook, 2) The Anarchist Cookbook and 3) The Mujahadeen Poisons Handbook. Of course the best of those 3 manuals along with other terrorist publications are collated into The Encyclopedia of Jihad (Weimann, 2004). Information on the internet with evil purposes is not solely privileged for Jihadist groups but also inspires individuals to formulate individual evil. Many other examples in the free world display the unpredictable consequences of having such malevolence information available freely on the internet. The eighth portal that the internet opens to terrorists is the planning and coordination efforts that can be conducted virtually. Planners of September 11, 2001 used public free email accounts to transmit cryptic messages from public internet terminals. Graphic files are used frequently with operation orders embedded behind the graphics for concealment. Anti-terrorist organizations have focused their efforts normally on cyber terrorism and not the routine transmission of complex encrypted email messages containing the next 9-1-1. When the battle begins on the many ways that terrorists use the internet, democracy may be dealt blows with losses of privacy. Terrorists are starting to finance their campaigns by conducting cyber crimes, e.g. brokering stolen corporate secrets. Gabriel Weimann stated in 2004, â€Å"It is a paradox: those movements who criticize Western technology and modernity are using the West’s most advanced communication technology, the Internet, to spread their message.†As this digital cat and mouse continue their chase, the U. S. Government must balance their aggression against sacred freedoms. Counter Internet Terrorism FISA, Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act, first enacted in 1978 as a reaction to the new cold war, started with good intentions, but have gone awry in recent years. FISA is the federal government’s most lethal homeland operation platform available to fight terrorism in general. Along with FISA, the more recent USA Patriot Act added complimentary defensive postures. Besides laws, our government uses Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening Systems (CAPPS II), Terrorist Threat Integration Center (TTIC), the Defense Advanced Projects Administration (DARPA), Terrorist Information Awareness (TIA), and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board (PCLB) (Steinberg, Graham Eggers, 2003). These modern efforts to secure our national security are force multipliers to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). If all of these national laws, regulations and agencies are worked in concert, all Americans will be safer. FISA details procedures for electronic and physical surveillance and gathering of foreign intelligence information that is between foreign powers. This intelligence gathering should be for the sake of finding terrorist cells that intend harm on America or Americans living abroad. FISA’s very secret court that approves almost baseless warrants to perform physical searches or electronic surveillance programs started being used extensively in year 2000 under President Clinton and even more frequently under the Bush Administration. This secret court is comprised of 11 judges appointed by the Supreme Court Chief Justice and is housed in the Department of Justices. Troubling concerns became public in recent years that the President of the United States conducted electronic surveillance specifically without FISA warrants in the name of fighting the Global War on Terror. FISA was significantly revised with the USA Patriot Act of 2001 to allow intelligence gathering activities on foreign groups that may or may not be backed by a foreign government. The USA Patriot Act approved by Congress as a result of the tragedy of September 11, 2001 was the greatest step-change that the Federal Government has promulgated to protect America while threatening our freedoms commonly called privacy rights. Privacy rights are definitely going to be violated as the Patriot Act is utilized, but it is the terrorist that the wire taps, data mining, and various cyber probes were supposed to target. The Patriot Act is supposed to be used to find foreign threats that generally reside within the United States. Common reactions leading to the Patriot Act were to never allow terrorist to be trained to fly planes in the U.S., travel around the country freely or violate VISA requirements. One overarching goal of the Patriot Act is to coalesce local, state and federal law enforcement agencies into a homogenous intelligence gathering and sharing team to stop terrorists. CAPPS II is being tested by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), an agency formed as a result of 9-11-01 (Steinberg, Graham Eggers, 2003). TSA intends to scan all commercial airliner passenger manifests looking for potential terrorists. TTIC a creation of 2003 vintage by the George W. Bush administration offers another very pervasive avenue into our everyday lives (Steinberg, Graham Eggers, 2003). TTIC seeks to coordinate information sharing between various intelligence gathering agencies. The goal of TTIC is not to gather more information, but rather to facilitate the collaboration of intelligence agencies to gain analytical synergies. Successful collaboration could lead to protections for critical infrastructure such as agriculture, transportation, water resources, and energy. DARPA sponsors research into data mining techniques and pattern recognition technologies that could develop new tools to discover terrorist plots or battlefield plans by the enemy. One s uch program to mine data is TIA (Steinberg, Graham Eggers, 2003). TIA is designed to detect terrorist groups planning attacks against America. TIA serves as the ultimate blender to integrate various technologies to provide tools to authorized intelligence and law enforcement agencies to gather critical data to detect terrorists. To possibly balance the three above intelligence agencies, the five-member Privacy and Civil Liberties Board has secretly operated for almost a year and will make its first report to Congress soon (Yen, 2007). The Board was intended to be a watchdog over the various FISA and Patriot Act reforms to determine if they have caused unruly invasions into private lives. The Board has looked at international financial transaction monitoring, warrant less eavesdropping, and the Homeland Security Department’s no-fly lists. The Board was tasked with looking at how the various oversight activities were conducted so that national security validated warrants and searches without warrants did not cause irreparable harm to America. Citizen Protections from Counter Terrorism Activities FISA courts were set up to serve the President while providing some means of protection for our citizen liberties. One really has to wonder why President Bush avoids the court formed to protect America. In 2000, Judge Lambert discovered that the FBI was misleading the court on the purpose of national security wiretaps. As a result of this court’s actions, tremendously needed wiretaps of Al Qaeda suspects were shut down. Immediate search and seizures in the name of foreign terrorist surveillance can be made without a warrant, but must be certified by the Attorney General after the fact. Domestically, the FISA court serves as the principal gatekeeper, but internationally the young Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime (CECC) steps into the foray to offer some common sense (Cybercrime Hacking, 2007). Anytime a process is validated by several countries, it should offer greater individual freedom protections. Only time will tell if this international intelligence gathering venue truly gets to the source quicker and more efficiently while avoiding violations of citizen’s personal life. Since all of these information gathering methods involve some form of communication, it must be obvious to realize that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) must play a key role in protecting constitutional freedoms. A crucial supporting cast to the FCC is the Homeland Security Policy Council (HSPC, 2007). HSPC was formed in late 2001 to strengthen measures to protect U.S. telecommunications, broadcast and communications infrastructure. HSPC was also tasked with being the emergency coordination agency in the event of terrorist attacks on communication systems, providing the means of last resort for first responders to effectively communicate. It is essential that the FCC plays a key role in terrorism awareness as that agency is able to reserve vital frequencies for communication. National disasters such as Hurricane Katrina clearly displayed the importance of interoperability. Besides government sponsored internet protectors, grass roots organizations such as Reporters Without Borders (RSF) maintain websites devoted to uncovering enemies of the internet (Enemies of the internet, 2006). As of November 2006 RSF listed 13 blacklisted countries. RSF has organized online coordinated protests to show worldwide support to maintain a free open internet. A free uncensored internet will keep bloggers posting their complaints about countries that are traditional human rights violators, e.g. China, Iran and North Korea. It will certainly be very interesting to watch whether penetrating U.S. intelligence activities could actually plop America on the predator of freedoms list. Global War on Terror (GWOT) Over $700 billion spent in the last four years and no closer to finding Osama bin Laden or weapons of mass destruction (WMD) makes every taxpayer cringe at the thought of continuing the fight for years to come. The answer to this world dilemma will come from innovative novel solutions. One such potential solution is allowing young scientists to craft means to destroy satellites virtually or physically. The Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico houses one such simple group formed to achieve those results. The group is named Space Countermeasures Hands On Program or Space CHOP (Shachtman, 2007). For example this group may go to the neighborhood electronic store to build simple devices that block vital satellite signals. Discovering these vulnerabilities along with hacking in their free time, define the next defensive front that must be armed and ready to protect national assets. For the free world to achieve a semblance of terrorism control, it is simple to see that to be able to fight modern terrorists, one must think and act like one. When someone considers that an individual can peddle an exercise bike to generate electricity to connect to the World Wide Web to transmit a lethal operational order that releases deadly attacks on trains in Spain, advances in counter-terrorism are critical. Instant messaging becomes a normal means of communication for battlefield commanders via PDA’s linked to satellite or cellular systems. Information is available to understand the issues; one such web page by the Counterproliferation Center of the U.S. Air Force lists 28 pages of links (GWOT, 2007). One day, counter terrorism classes may become as common as First Aid classes. Sacrifices for Security Intelligence gathering will not subside anytime soon, so the question must be answered how America will maintain privacy for every citizen and organization. Discussions are really just beginning to start with the apparently never ending GWOT. The public has only learned within the last year or so that the President of the United States authorized search and seizures without warrants to gain information about potential foreign terrorists. Regulations to protect us also offer invasions into every personal life. FISA, CIA, FBI, and our military are intended to make peace, but they also offer chaos. Becoming a better and stronger nation must be the goal of our leaders for all facets of life: education, economics, medical care, safety and democracy. Democracy is what sets America apart with its unlimited entrepreneurial spirit. This spirit in a sense makes close bedfellows with internet hackers. Hopefully each reader can see that creating an atmosphere that allows some harmless hacking actually presents opportunities to build new firewalls from terrorists. The key to fighting today’s and tomorrow’s radical terrorists lies within the internet. Sophisticated terrorists are the norm, and America must develop a new army of cyber warriors. Do you feel the calling? References Attacking Terrorist Networks at Home and Abroad, The White House, Washington, accessed February 20, 2007. Becker, Gary S., Why a Crash Wouldn’t Cripple The Economy, Hoover Digest No. 4, Hoover Institution, 1997. Berkowitz, Bruce, Fixing U.S. Intelligence, Hoover Institution, March 19, 2001. Berkowitz, Bruce, Preparing for the Computer Wars, Hoover Institution, August 13, 2001. Censorship Fears over New Online Ethics Commission, Reporters Without Borders, February 16, 2007. Cybercrime and Hacking, Computer World, IDG News, August 04, 2006. Enemies of the Internet Named, BBC News, London, November 7, 2006. FCC To Study ISP Business Practices, Stars and Stripes Volume 4, Number 346, Department of the Defense(DOD), 2007. 50 USC 1801, ,, accessed April 21, 2007. Flexible Deployment Assistance Guide 2nd Edition, Packet Mode Communications, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act – CALEA, August 2001. For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs Big Debate, New York Times, November 11, 2006. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, Wikipedia, accessed February 4, 2007. Free Expression, Center For Democracy Technology(CDT), 2007. Free Speech, Electronic Privacy Information Center, 2007. Freedom of Speech,, 2007. Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), U.S. Air Force Counterproliferation Center(USAFCC), accessed February 21, 2007. Glusing, Jens, Rao, Padma Himar Schmundt, The Dirt Road to the Information Superhighway, Spiegel Online, June 01, 2006. Goodman, Seymour Sofaer, Abraham, The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime and Terrorism, Hoover Institution, 2007. Help Us Protect Free Speech Online, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), 2007. Homeland Security Policy Council, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, accessed February 21, 2007. Huge Victory for Real People as Telco Bill Dies,, 2006. Lame Duck Alert: Don’t Let Senators Sell Us Out,, 2006. Lawmakers: Abuses Could Lead to Cuts in FBI Power, Associated Press, Stars and Stripes Volume 4, Number 343, Department of the Defense (DOD), 2007. Nakashima, Ellen, Business transactions rely on flawed terror watch list, Washington Post, Stars and Stripes, March 28, 2007. O’Brien, Teri, Did the FISA Court Stop Us From Connecting the Dots?, Free Republic, January 3, 2006. Privacy Technology: Internet Free Speech, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 2007. Reed, Fred, Troops’ Blogs Under Scrutiny, Washington Times, February 17, 2007. Shachtman, Noah, The Satellite Hackers, Popular Mechanics, February 2007. Sniffen, Michael J., FBI chief defends bureau’s authority to spy, Associated Press, Stars and Stripes, March 28, 2007. Steinberg, James B., Graham, Mary, Eggers, Andrew, Building Intelligence to Fight Terrorism, The Brookings Institution, September 2003. Swartz, Jon, Terrorists’ use of Internet spreads,, February 20, 2005. Weimann, Gabriel, How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet, United States Institute of Peace (USIP), March, 2004. Yen, Hope, Board OKs eavesdropping, financial tracking, The Associated Press (AP), Washington, March 7, 2007. Research Papers on How the Internet Fuels TerrorismThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceGenetic EngineeringDefinition of Export QuotasAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Relationship between Media Coverage and Social andBringing Democracy to AfricaQuebec and Canada
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