Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Learn the German Translation for Silent Night, Stille Nacht
Get familiar with the German Translation for Silent Night, 'Stille Nacht' The famous Christmas hymn Silent Night has been converted into a few dialects around the world (like French), however it was initially written in German under the title Stille Nacht. It was only a sonnet before it was changed into a melody one Christmas night in Austria. On the off chance that you definitely know the English rendition, have a go at remembering the German verses for three of the most well-known stanzas. The Story of Stille Nacht On Dec.24, 1818-only hours before Christmas mass-in the little Austrian town of Oberndorf, Pastor Joseph Mohr of St.Nicholas Kirche wound up in a sticky situation. His melodic designs for the night faith gathering were demolished on the grounds that the organ had as of late broken after a close by waterway overwhelmed. In a snapshot of motivation, Mohr got a Christmas sonnet he had composed two years sooner. He immediately set off to a neighboring town where his companion Franz Gruber, the congregation organist, lived. In only a couple of brief hours that night, Gruber delivered the principal variant of the incredibly famous Christmas psalm Stille Nacht, composed as a guitar accompaniment.â The Modern Stille Nacht The tune as it is rendered today is marginally not the same as the first form of Stille Nacht. People artists and ensemble bunches adjusted the first tune somewhat as they played out the tune all through Europe in the resulting decades. The English variant was composed by an Episcopal minister, the Rev. John Freeman Young. Notwithstanding, the standard English form contains only three stanzas, though the German variant contains six. Just stanzas one, two, and six from Mohr and Grubers unique variant are sung in English. There is additionally a rendition sung by Nina Hagen, a drama wonder otherwise called the mother of punk. Stille Nacht in German Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,Alles schlft; einsam wachtNur das traute hochheilige Paar.Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh!Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,Hirten erst kundgemachtDurch der Engel Halleluja,TÃ ¶nt es laut von plant und nah:Christ, der Retter ist da!Christ, der Retter ist da!Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,Gottes Sohn, o wie lachtLieb aus deinem gã ¶ttlichen Mund,Da uns schlgt kick the bucket rettende Stund.Christ, in deiner Geburt!Christ, in deiner Geburt! Words: Joseph Mohr, 1816Music: Franz Xaver Gruber, 1818 Quiet Night in English Quiet night, blessed nightAll is quiet everything is brightRound far off virgin Mother and ChildHoly baby so delicate and mildSleep in magnificent peaceSleep in sublime peaceSilent night, sacred night,Shepherds shake at the sight.Glories stream from paradise afar,Heavnly has sing Alleluia;Christ the Savior is bornChrist the Savior is bornSilent night, heavenly night,Son of God, cherishes unadulterated light.Radiant bars from Thy blessed face,With the beginning of recovering grace,Jesus, Lord, at Thy birthJesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Villanova MBA Essay Samples - How to Find Them
Villanova MBA Essay Samples - How to Find ThemVillanova MBA Essay samples offer quick and thorough ideas and concepts to get you started on your career preparation. You can identify which MBA Essay topics are good, which would benefit you most, and get a plan of action set in motion to do the same.Quickly find out what you need to know to get a firm grip on the topic you are studying. It is always good to read, discuss and re-read your sources to understand them better. An analysis of an MBA essay sample can help you quickly understand the topics of a given MBA course.It is easy to identify the essence of each essay sample. For example, the MBA Essay sample 'How to Get Your Job Back' provided by Villanova MBA is not a typical one that will ask you questions like, 'Do you hate your job?' or 'Why do you hate your job?'You must search the internet to find topics you may be interested in. There are many sites that offer topics for any course that you are considering. You can choose from hundreds of topics.An important part of your guide is to avoid writing your own MBA essay samples. Many times, you may have no idea what you are talking about and will not be able to answer questions that your instructor will ask.Another way to avoid plagiarism is to seek advice from those that have already done it and want you to avoid it. You should seek out people that write for publications, help groups or others with similar interests.These groups and publications often have student volunteers who are willing to talk about their experiences with other students and even offer examples of the types of questions they are asked. Youcan also read other essays from these groups and then go through the essay samples to find examples of topics that you may want to write about.Whether you are doing research for your MBA or writing your own MBA essay samples, it is a good idea to begin by gathering information from online resources, getting articles that have already been written, and ta king advice from peers. This is what will help you learn as much as possible before going into the real world and interacting with your professors and classmates.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
African American History For The Past Century - 974 Words
The African-American History from the Late 19th Century through the Present course was very informative and educational. This course offered a broader view at looking and analyzing the history of African-American in the United States. Though, I have read extensively and possessed a small collection of books on the subject, this course has affirmed what I have already knew as well as elevating my knowledge on the subject. The course also opened up new ways to look and understand certain facts about African-American’s experiences since Reconstruction. There could not be a better textbook for this course than Freedom on My Mind. As I stated in a previous assignment, the textbook is a mini reference encyclopedia of African-American history for the past century. The supporting documents throughout the textbook support the authors’ arguments as well as providing the foundation for many unanswered questions that academics and intellectuals should seek find answers from the government and people in leadership positions. Parallel conclusions can be drawn to events involving African-Americans in the late 19th century and throughout the 20th century to current events with the exception that a few cases many end up in the court. Discriminatory practices are wide spread in every sector of the American society. The fights for school desegregation may have been won in the courtroom but segregationists found a way to underfunded black schools. Affirmative Action may have provided aShow MoreRelatedThe Negro Digs Up His Past1700 Words  | 7 Pages Why Dig Up the Past? This article â€Å"The Negro Digs Up His Past’’ by Arthur schomburg on 1925, elaborates more on the struggles of slavery as well as how history tend to be in great need of restoration through mindfully exploring on the past. The article, however started with an interesting sentence which caught my attention, especially when the writer says ‘’The American Negro must remark his past in order to make his future’’ (670). This statement accordingRead MoreThe Negro Digs Up His Past By Arthur Schomburg1549 Words  | 7 PagesHis Past’’ by Arthur schomburg on 1925, elaborates more on the struggles of slavery as well as how history tend to be in great need of restoration through mindfully exploring on the past. The article, however started with an interesting sentence which caught my attention, especially when the writer says ‘’The American Negro must remark his past in order to make his future’’ (670). Thi s statement according the writer, explains how slavery took away the great deal freedom from people of African descendantRead MoreAfrican American History Research Paper1044 Words  | 5 PagesAfrican American History Research Paper The history of West Africa has its inhabitant traces is almost 6000 years ancient, but the earliest human beings who came here first were almost 12000 BCE. The enhancement in the farming took place after the arrival of a modern ancestor in the fifth millennium. After making connections with other civilizations like Mediterranean ones, the development of iron industry took place in every use of daily life. The common or traditional business of trade for themRead MoreAfrican Americans And Its Impact On Society1589 Words  | 7 PagesAfrican Americans have been through so much since being uprooted from their home in Africa. 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He wants to makeRead MoreAfrican American History : African Americans1269 Words  | 6 PagesThere are countless examples of how African Americans have transformed history or made a mark on our country. African Americans have displayed heroism and bravery for what we believe in. Without Black History Month as a holiday, these people would not have been recognized for all of their many achievements. We must continue to celebrate the achievements of African Americans, and we must correct the inconsistences of the past. Black His tory Month should be kept as a national holiday as long as weRead MoreThe Colonialism Effect Of Africa1002 Words  | 5 PagesThe Colonialism Effect of Africa As the world races for its place in history, many continents excel on their mark on the map. It is because Africa was in the right place, but in a different time they were taken advantage of their glory. Although it is difficult for Africa to retrace and reclaim its memoirs, it has an origin that had existed before colonialism. The attempt of challenging modern history has desperately provided an economical realm that extracts and injects into Africa resources. Read MoreAnalysis Of Wilson s The Pittsburgh Cycle 1691 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferent decade, August Wilson’s The Pittsburgh Cycle sketches the African-American experience in the 20th century. As the second and fourth plays of the series, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone and The Piano Lesson both explore African-American identity and inheritance in the first half of the 20th century. Wilson’s two plays embody a feature different from the naturalistic or realistic plays of the Bourgeois Theatre. As is said in the American essayist Frank Rich’s comment on Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, â€Å"MrRead MoreINEZ BEVERLY PROSSER - AFRICAN AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST1587 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Inez Beverly Prosser Twentieth Century African American Psychologist Marcus Monteiro PSY 310 May 4, 2014 Professor Sara Molloy Abstract Inez Beverly Prosser (1895-1934), was an African American psychologist of the early twentieth century. Her main focus was on the significance of racism and its effects upon children relative to the obtainment of fair and adequate education. This writing will address the endeavors, perspectives
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Drinking Water Essay - 1330 Words
Drink Water Speech How many of you, when you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress asks you what you want to drink ask for water? How many you would select a glass of water out a fridge filled with soda, fruit juices, or beer? My guess is probably not very many you actually choose water over the other options. I used to be the same way. I used to never drink water, and would always choose another beverage if I had the option. However, after I began to hear about the importance of water in our lives, I began to choose water whenever I needed something to drink. I am not saying I never have anything other than water when I am thirsty, but the majority of the time I choose water over any other beverage. Today, I plan to†¦show more content†¦So water is needed to dissolve these nutrients and be carried throughout the body. As you can see, water plays a major role in many factors of your body. Water even can help produce benefits outside of your body as well, such as your wallet. For example, when you go to a restaurant and order a soda, that is usually at least $2. You could instead choose water, which is free. If you would also choose water when you go out to eat and save the $2, you would save a decent amount of money in a year. Also, a 24 pack of bottled water is much cheaper than even a 12 pack of soda. Therefore, buying a pack of bottled water would save you money as well. Another way that you could save money is by investing in a filter of some sort, and drinking water from the facet. This would definitely decrease your spending on beverages during the year and save you a lot of money. As you can see, there are many benefits to drinking water. I hope you know see how crucial water is to your body and why you should consume it on a regular basis. You can only survive several days without water, so make sure you drink up. And by drinking water to ensure you stay living well, you will have some extra money to spend on things in your life that you can enjoy. Darren McGlaughlin Public Speaking Barbara Warnick Persuasive Speech 1 February 13, 2013 Speech Topic: Drink More Water Introduction 1. Who chooses water at restaurant or home? 2.Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Clean Drinking Water Pollution2357 Words  | 10 PagesAbstract The sustenance of safe and quality drinking water is increasingly becoming an urgent priority due to global pollution. It means that maintaining clean drinking water requires effective policies, regulations, and acts that identify, document, and eliminate health risks in all potable water sources. Water pathogenic microorganisms must be understood and identified in water sources because they have a relationship with acute and chronic illnesses. Surface water could quickly change because of humanRead MoreThe Importance Of Safe Drinking Water For A Post Disaster Rehabilitation Project1027 Words  | 5 PagesMy interest in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) begun during my engagement with the Red Cross in a post disaster rehabilitation project in coastal areas of my home country, Bangladesh. I observed the importance of safe drinking water when the 2007 cyclone â€Å"SIDR†contaminated about seventy percent of water sources resulting an outbreak of waterborne diseases in aff ected communities. I saw the challenges of providing basic services to the victims which motivated me to pursue my career in this fieldRead MoreHealth Of Women, Health, Sanitation, And Hygiene Of The Population1405 Words  | 6 Pageshealth of women in Haiti, as well as the sanitation and water supply and nutrition of the population. 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As much as we consider water to be life and the most important substance, still we don’t seem to appreciate it very much, as it is being wasted in such great amounts. Everyone believes that water will always be around but not taking into account that the majority of the water on planet earth are not for human consumption. Human beings can only survive on consuming fresh water. TheRead MoreImportance of Water to Humans Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very1000 Words  | 4 PagesImportance of Water to Humans Thesis statement: Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Very recently, I watched a program on public television about freshwater. It really got me interested in thinking about how important water is to human survival. Fresh and clean water is vital to the very existence of the human race. Without it, all living things would die, including human beings. So how important is water to humans and why? Water a transparent and formlessRead MoreThe Responsibility Of The Right Holders1383 Words  | 6 PagesNations safe drinking water. After years of pressure, the government proposed Bill S-11 in 2010 as a viable solution. Bill S-11 sought to address the issue of First Nations’ access to clean drinking water rights. Unfortunately, it was not passed. Recently, the Liberal government promised in its 2015 election campaign to ensure that First Nations had access to clean water. The current government should consider revisiting Bill S-11 and provide a clause that recognizes clean drinking water as a universal
Homework of E-Commerce Essay Sample free essay sample
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Thursday, April 23, 2020
TOK Illusions in TOK Essay Example
TOK Illusions in TOK Essay Why are we so sure that we know what we see? For instance lets take the story â€Å"The Mouse Who Ate the Cheese†which we studied in class. Bill was sure he knew that a mouse ate the cheese because he had witnessed this happening right before his eyes. He used sense perception and sight to know that he had seen the mouse clearly. Everyday people uses their senses, to make an inference and assumption. People claim to know things due to what they believe and because their have used sense perception. However, can we actually depend on our senses one hundred percent? Do they always tell us the truth? All five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting, are important in developing thoughts and ideas, but the sense of sight typically sets itself above the others in its effectiveness at creating strong and lasting beliefs. In everyday life, the sense of sight is used to give evidence to what we believe. Logically, believing what you see makes sense. The ancient quote â€Å"seeing is believing†supports the fact that experiencing or seeing something first hand makes one believe it. However, at times when a person assumes that they are basing their belief on sight, they are really allowing themselves to see what they already internally believe. The mind can be made to see something in a certain way simply because the belief is already present. And this initial belief is used in illusions; therefore, while seeing can help us believe, it can also hinder us from reality. We will write a custom essay sample on TOK Illusions in TOK specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on TOK Illusions in TOK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on TOK Illusions in TOK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The â€Å"Breathing Square†by Michael Bach represents an illusion, and demonstrated the knowledge issue that can occur with out senses. Although vision certainly gives us information, scientists now know that biological eyesight is much more complicated, and unfortunately, can also give us false information at times. Our eyes detect light, however it’s our brain that â€Å"sees†and therefore once we are caught believing what we see is true, it is difficult to change this falsehood. For instance the â€Å"Breathing Square†is a visual illusion, because although you may still believe what you see, what you believe and what the object actually represents may different greatly. When watching the illusion, the observer is aware of the fact that the blue square of constant size slowly rotates. However our senses deceive us and to every observes the square seems to be changing size, in fact it seems to be â€Å"breathing†. This phenomenon is described as â€Å"motion binding†. The brain uses â€Å"motion binding†as â€Å"shortcuts†which lets us process information faster, instead of observing every bit of information individually before the brain can form a picture. Therefore, it can happen sometimes, that the brain forms a picture to quickly and is therefore tricked. The â€Å"Breathing Square†is a great example of how our senses are able to trick us into thinking that the blue square is changing size however in reality it’s the orange squares which are confusing our senses to interpret the square differently. Finally although every person looking at the illusion knows that the square is not actually â€Å"breathing†it is impossible to stop the brain from reaching this conclusion. It is set in our minds and the belief of the square â€Å"breathing†is already present, making it unachievable to force one to see the reality. Michael Bach’s illusions are magnificent and are able to give us insight about how betraying our sense can be at time. It leaves me wondering is I am constantly being tricked by my senses and how I know what I am actually seeing is reality.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Gravitas Gravitas Gravitas By Maeve Maddox The Latin word gravitas to mean â€Å"the dignity of leadership†came into use as an English word in 1924; since the mid-1980s it has soared in popularity. The literal meaning of the Latin word gravitas is â€Å"weight, heaviness.†Our word gravity derives from that sense. The OnlineEtymologyDictionary observes that gravitas became useful to describe human seriousness when the word gravity acquired a mainly scientific meaning. For the ancient Romans gravitas was the highest of the fourteen virtues. A man who possessed gravitas recognized the importance of the matter at hand. He had a strong sense of responsibility and was not given to frivolous behavior or excessive levity. Even after Christian theology replaced pagan practice, gravitas was still cherished in leaders. Ambrose (c.339-397), a fourth century bishop of Milan, saw gravitas as a quality of mind, but felt that â€Å"the set of a man’s mind can be read in how he carries his body.†He refused to accept priests if he disliked the way they walked: â€Å"their mincing walk revealed their flighty character.†Traditionally, gravitas is a masculine virtue, so it’s not surprising that it is often mentioned as a quality lacking in women seeking high office or other leadership status: Miers Lacks the Necessary Gravitas [for the Supreme Court] [Katy Couric] was perceived as lacking gravitas. [Hillary] Clintonlacks gravitas and integrity, Yellenlacks the â€Å"gravitas†necessary to carry the economy through another financial mess. Karl Rove said that Sarah Palin lacks gravitas. Male politicians have also been criticized for lacking gravitas: Rubio lacks gravitas and seriousness. [Bill] Clinton lacks oriental self-control and maturity, the gravitas and substance one expects in the defining figures of history. Bushsuffers from lack of gravitas hes a likable fellow, casual and friendly, but not the most serious player on the national scene. Pipes says Christie lacks the gravitas and integrity to serve as US Vice President. In 1904 a political commentator opined that Teddy Roosevelt lacked gravitas and provided a list of what gravitas should include: â€Å"honesty, intelligence, energy, willingness to discard untenable views, wisdom, breadth of vision, depth of insight, and that nameless something that enables a man to keep all his faculties in thorough control.†Strong words like gravitas that start out with clear definitions tend to suffer a dilution of meaning once they gain media popularity. From being an expressive term for dignity and strength of character, gravitas is on its way to becoming a throwaway word with any number of vague meanings: Despite an engaging, nuanced performance from Robert De Niro as Frank GoodeEverybody’s Fine inevitably suffers from a lack of real emotional gravitas. Before the Fall [a play] lacks the gravitas that the subject deserves. As the Academy voters see it, Gravity [a movie] lacks gravitas. While the story [Walking with Dinosaurs] is educational, and obviously geared for children, it lacks any gravitas StarTrek actress lends her gravitas to film promoting ideas that sun revolves around Earth. Gravitas is now so overused that it has become a target for humorists: Suddenly gravitas is what is needed, gravitas is what makes a country strongOh if only we could bottle it, think of the killing we could make! Australian blogger Greg Jericho In the world of popular entertainment–and that includes political commentary–the notion of gravitas has become something of a laughing stock. In another context–the world of corporate advancement–gravitas is taken very seriously. I’ll discuss the business world definition of gravitas in another article. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:"Because Of" and "Due To" 40 Synonyms for â€Å"Lie†5 Erroneously Constructed â€Å"Not Only . . . But Also†Sentences
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Cause and Effect Essay
Cause and Effect Essay Cause and effect essay writing gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behavior. Cause and effect essay is a type of essays that centers on why things occur (causes) and the outcomes of the happenings (effects). Cause-and-effect writing gives reasons and explanations for events, conditions, or behavior. It answers the need most of us have to understand the world around us. If you are looking for cause and effect essay examples here is a great one CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY EXAMPLE: GREAT DEPRESSION Cause and effect essays are popular ways of helping students understand the relationship between various events. They’re extremely popular in history classes, although students are certainly going to encounter them in English and writing classes as well. English and writing classes are often geared towards helping students be better at critical thinking in general, and cause and effect essays can serve as excellent critical thinking exercises in general. Cause and effect essays are starting to become more popular than the five-paragraph essays that many people have had to learn over the years, for various reasons. The traditional five paragraph essay format is highly formulaic. It doesn’t truly prepare students for the sort of advanced writing skills that they are really going to need. It encourages people to write in a manner that is highly artificial. In many cases, students do not provide enough evidence for their points. The cause and effect essay is much better when it comes to promoting critical thinking skills in the minds of students, which has helped make it the new star of academic writing today. CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY OUTLINE Writing a Cause and Effect Essay Often times, a cause and effect essay is going to involve people selecting an event that had a given list of defined consequences. Certain events are going to make for richer essays than others. The cause and effect relationship between the events and the consequences needs to be strong enough, or the essay is going to feel unfocused and vague. One popular example of an event to write about in a cause and effect essay in classrooms in the United States is the American Civil War. Students will then list the causes of the American Civil War when they are in the planning stages of the cause and effect essay. From there, they will formulate thesis statements and build the rest of their essays. Another popular essay topic for students who can write about more recent history might be the crime wave that lasted between 1975 and 1995. Students might look at what caused this crime wave. They also might look at what eventually led to the end of the crime wave. This sort of cause and effect relationship is ripe for analysis, especially since there are a lot of specific trends that have helped mark the beginning and end of the infamous period in late-twentieth-century American history. A student might say: the late-twentieth century crime wave ended as a result of improved forensic techniques, improved social welfare programs, increases in surveillance, and increased awareness. With regards to the Civil War, and student might say: the Civil War was caused by increasing tensions between the Northern and Southern regions of the United States and the South’s desire to expand slavery throughout the country, as well as the South’s fear that slavery would eventually be eliminated if the spread was curtailed. Compose a thesis statement that clearly states your topic. Because cause-and-effect essays need a readily identifiable structure, you will almost always write the essay in chronological order. Sometimes, however, you will use reverse chronological order. For example, you might begin with an effect or a series of effects and trace them back to their original cause. Whatever organization you use, write paragraphs with strong, clear topic sentences and relevant supporting details. The thesis statement for an essay that was about the American Civil War could be more general, with something along the lines of two halves of a nation that have very different economies and ideas of how to run a society are going to face strong conflicts with one another. A student would then go into detail about how the conflicts between the North and the South had been brewing for a long time before the Civil War finally erupted, and the Civil War was the culmination of all of those tensions. Diffe rent pieces of evidence are going to belong in the cause section, and different pieces of evidence are going to belong in the effects section. Naturally, it is also important to illustrate the effects in question. The American Civil War was so substantial in terms of its consequences for the American people that some of the effects are still being felt today since the South never truly reconstructed and both halves of the United States still face political conflicts with one another to this day. The reader should walk away with that impression, at least after reading the effects section and the section of the essay that describes the cause and effect relationship. HOW TO WRITE A CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY Cause and Effect Essay Writing Tips TIP 1. People who are having a hard time identifying a clear consequence of the given events should choose a new topic, if possible. There are lots of examples out there, and no one needs to waste any time trying to argue in favor of a point that is going to be too difficult to properly state in an essay that is really about logical understanding more than anything else. TIP 2. It is a good idea to have at least two or three pieces of evidence in support of why a given effect logically followed from the cause in question. The entire essay should not hinge on a few data points. TIP 3. Smooth transitions between paragraphs are just as important in cause and effect essays as they are in five paragraph essays, even though the ideas between them are not going to be anywhere near as clear cut. TIP 4. There are no hard and solid rules on the length of cause and effect essays, which is not the case with the five-paragraph essays that people will either love or loathe. Those essays will usually have to be one page long. Unless there are any specific requirements, cause and effect essays can be a couple of pages long or longer than that, and they are still going to be just as good. TIP 5. It is important not to include a lot of meandering details in cause and effect essays that do not specifically relate to the point or reinforce the point. Cause and effect essays can be longer than five-paragraph essays, but they are not the sorts of essays that are going to need filler content. Being clear and straightforward is going to matter more. The details are going to need to relate to reinforcing the cause and effect relationship that is at the heart of the cause and effect essay. 50 WINNING CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY TOPICS Signal Words in Cause-and-Effect Writing Cause and Effect as a result because consequently due to ifthen leads to therefore thus Degrees of Certainty certainly may necessarily perhaps possibly probably undoubtedly unquestionably Levels of Importance above all equally important finally first initially last primarily second We have successfully completed hundreds of cause and effect essays and know how to craft a superb paper. Achieve great academic success  order an essay at !
Thursday, February 13, 2020
The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly Thesis
The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and a thousand other things well Hugh Walpole - Thesis Example While there are many such people in the market, only few of them succeed. Google set a new milestone in online searching, Microsoft paved the way for home computing and the Body shop by Anita Roddick succeeded only because it focused on eco-friendly beauty products. History speaks volumes about the above quoted words too. Thomas Alva Edison, the American inventor and businessman succeeded in giving the world the light bulb only because he was interested in one thing profoundly. He was keen on experimenting and continued to do it with great passion. Records stated that when Edison failed for a thousand times, he did not say he failed. He said that he knew of a thousand ways not to make a light bulb. Had it not been profound interest for one thing, Edison would have given up his experiments and considered his life a failure. We would not have benefited so soon from a light bulb and would not have remembered him with the great reverence that we do today. Even great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi could help India gain freedom only through constant interest in working towards it. Had these men been diverted with various interests, they would never have been able to put their heart and mind into huge successes. The quoted words hold good in our personal lives too. Success is achieved when one does not spread oneself too thin, staying focused on work helps accomplish it and the secret of living life to the fullest and to the happiest comes only from being the king of one's empire. Antithesis While the above statements portray the goodness in Hugh Walpole's statements, the same is not always true. In today's changing times, where there is throat cutting competition and one has to be ahead of the other in the mad race of life, statements like the one made by Hugh Walpole have their own shortcomings. If we were to be profoundly interested in one thing with a general interest in other things we would not get ahead in life. If a businessman, for example, just takes deep passion for selling cell phones, he would do well. However in order to succeed, he would need to take an equal interest in understanding the needs of the market (business researching), new product launches (technology), caring for employees (organizational behavior), caring for customers etc. Unless all these aspects are not looked after, with equal interest and enthusiasm, the organization and the businessman are doomed to lesser degree of success. Thus while the above examples of Google, Microsoft and the Bo dy shop did take into consideration their core areas, they gave equal importance to a million other issues. That is also the reason all large organizations have different departments (like HR, research, marketing, product development, customer care) and equal importance is given to all of them. History also leads us to believe this to be true. Thomas Alva Edison could give the world great inventions because he had profound interest in one thing. But let us not forget that even during his times, when there was not much competitiveness, he had profound interest in business too, which led him to form the General Electric. Had he not been able to let the world know of his inventions and market them through the organization, it would have possible that someone else would have taken the credit for
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Marketing News Journal #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing News Journal #2 - Essay Example Who would not like to arrive in a store and not have to queue to make orders and then have to wait in the same queue to pick up the order after a hard day of work or study. I know I would be thrilled to arrive and have my order ready to go. This is what Taco Bell’s new order ahead app is all about. Customers download the app and when they want food from Taco Bell, they simply make their orders in their nearest chain store and go pick it up. In order to avoid getting cold food or having to wait for long before the food is prepared, the app allows the customer to inform the store as they arrive in order to have their order prepared and ready to go. The other good news is that the customer does not even have to leave their car to go pick up their order, it is brought to them. This is another positive addition in their customer service and it is a welcome relief to many. Those are not the only good news concerning the app, here is the better news. The app provides more food option on their menu that is not present in the physical store menu. This will provide a wide range of selection of the food, making special order of what is to be increased, reduced or completely eliminated from the menu. Those who are keen on their calorie intake are also mot left behind as they have a calorie counter on each food order and hence one can be able to monitor their calorie intake. This Taco Bell app is therefore welcome by even nutritionists and medical health professionals that have been trying to get the American people to reduce their calorie intake and eat healthier foods to reduce the high rate if obesity in the nation. People will be able to follow this and try eating healthy in the future as long as they continue making their order online. Taco Bell serves Mexican food of tacos and burritos which is a way to promote the Mexican culture in the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Neoclassic vs Baroque Essay -- Essays Papers
Neoclassic vs Baroque The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David is Neoclassic art style. The painting shows Socrates, condemned to death, calm and at peace, discussing the immortality of the soul. Surrounded by his grieving friends and students, he is teaching and philosophizing. His wife was dismissed to the hallway to grieve due to her weakness. Plato is depicted as an old man seated at the foot of the bed. Socrates has the body of a young athlete, as well as others in the painting. Each one of the twelve subjects surrounding him is meticulously drawn in detail. The dramatic use of light and dark (chiaroscuro) is seen in the focus, or emphasis, towards Socrates. There are definitive lines on the walls. These create shadows in the room and in the hallway. The texture of the floor and walls seem smooth and hard. The cloaks worn are colorful and seem soft to the touch. The painting has a high degree of communicative value do to the variety of colors used. In Neoclassical art, the emphasis is on form, simplicity, proportion and restrained emotion. The aesthetic attitudes and principles were based on the culture, art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome in antiquity. It invokes characteristics such as harmony, clarity, restraint, universality and idealism. The artists of this period concerned themselves with human affairs ruled by reason, the outgrowth of the Enlightenment. There was a regard for tradition and reverence for the classics, with an...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Chidren’s Literature Essay
Children’s literature (also called juvenile literature) consists of the stories (including in books) and poems which are enjoyed by or targeted primarily at children. Modern children’s literature is classified in different ways, including by genre or the intended age of the reader. Children’s literature has its roots in the stories and songs that adults told their children before publishing existed, as part of the wider oral tradition. Because of this it can be difficult to track the development of early stories. Even since widespread printing, many classic tales were originally created for adults and have been adapted for a younger audience. Although originally children’s literature was often a re-writing of other forms, since the 1400s there has been much literature aimed specifically at children, often with a moral or religious message. To some extent the nature of children’s fiction, and the divide between older children’s and adult ficti on became blurred as time went by and tales appealing to both adult and child had substantial commercial success. There is no single, widely accepted definition of children’s literature. It can be broadly defined as anything that children read, but a more useful definition may be fiction, poetry, and drama intended for and used by children and young people, a list to which many add non-fiction. Nancy Anderson of the College of Education at the University of South Florida defines children’s literature as all books written for children, â€Å"excluding works such as comic books, joke books, cartoon books, and nonfiction works that are not intended to be read from front to back, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference material†. Classifying children’s literature is equally confusing. As the International Companion Encyclopedia Of Children’s Literature says, â€Å"The boundaries of genre†¦ are not fixed but blurred.†Sometimes no agreement can be reached even on whether a given work is best categorized as adult or children’s literature, and many books are marketed for both adults and children. J. K. Rowling’s series about Harry Potter was written and marketed for children, but it was so popular among children and adults that The New York Times created a separate bestseller list for children’s books to list them. When people think of children’s literature they probably mean books, or at least print. But narratives existed before printing, and the roots of some best-known children’s tales go back to storytellers of old.Seth Lerer, in the opening of Children’s Literature: A Reader’s History from Aesop to Harry Potter, says â€Å"This book presents a history of what children have heard and read†¦ The history I write of is a history of reception†. Classification Children’s literature can be divided a number ways. Two useful divisions are genre and intended age of the reader. By genre A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by technique, tone, content, or length. Anderson lists six categories of children’s literature, with some significant subgenres:[8] * Picture books, including concept books (teaching an alphabet or counting for example), pattern books, and wordless books. * Traditional literature, including folktales, which convey the legends, customs, superstitions, and beliefs of people in past times. This genre can be further broken down into myths, fables, legends, and fairy tales. * Fiction, including fantasy, realistic fiction, and historical fiction. * Non-fiction. * Biography and autobiography. * Poetry and verse. By age category The criteria for these divisions are vague and books near a borderline may be classified either way. Books for younger children tend to be written in very simple language, use large print, and have many illustrations. Books for older children use increasingly complex language, normal print, and fewer, if any, illustrations. * Picture books, appropriate for pre-readers or ages 0–5. * Early reader books, appropriate for children age 5–7. These books are often designed to help a child build his or her reading skills. * Chapter book, appropriate for children ages 7–12. * Short chapter books, appropriate for children ages 7–9. * Longer chapter books, appropriate for children ages 9–12. * Young-adult fiction appropriate for children age 12–18. Illustration Children’s stories have always been accompanied by pictures. A papyrus from Byzantine Egypt shows illustrations accompanying the story of Hercules’ labors. Today children’s books are illustrated in a way that rarely occurs in adult literature in the 20th or 21st century, except in graphic novels. Generally, artwork plays a greater role in books intended for the youngest readers (especially pre-literate children). Children’s picture books can be an accessible source of high quality art for young children. Even after children learn to read well enough to enjoy a story without illustrations, they continue to appreciate the occasional drawings found in chapter books. According to Joyce Whalley in The International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature, an illustrated book differs from a book with illustrations, in that â€Å"a good illustrated book is one where the pictures enhance or add depth to the text. Using this definition, the first illustrated children’s book is considered Orbis Pictus by the Moravian author Comenius. Orbis Pictus had a picture on every page, followed by the name of the object in Latin and English. It was translated into English the year after it appeared, and was used in homes and schools around Europe and Great Britain for years. Early children’s books like Orbis Pictus were illustrated by woodcut, and many times the same image was repeated in a number of books regardless of how appropriate the illustration was to the story.[7]:322 Newer processes, including copper and steel engraving began being used in the 1830s. One of the first uses of Chromolithography, a way of making multi-colored prints, in a children’s book was Struwwelpeter, published in Germany in 1845. English illustrator Walter Crane refined its use in children’s books in the late 1800s. Walter Crane’s chromolithograph illustration for The Frog Prince, 1874. Another illustration method appearing in children’s books was etching, used by George Cruikshank in the 1850s. By the 1860s top artists in the west were illustrating for children, including Crane, Randolph Caldecott, Kate Greenaway and John Tenniel. Most pictures were still black-and-white, and many color pictures were hand colored, often by child labor.[1]:224-226 The Essential Guide to Children’s Books and Their Creators credits Caldecott with â€Å"the concept of extending the meaning of text beyond literal visualization†. In India Nandalal Bose, whose paintings are considered artistic treasures, illustrated books for children from the late 1800s into the 1900s. The early Twentieth-century brought more highly regarded illustrators to the pages of children’s books. Artists like Kay Nielson, Edmund Dulac and Arthur Rackham produced illustrations that are still reprinted today.[1]:224-227 The development in printing capabilities found itself reflected in children’s books. After World War II offset lithography became more refined, and by the 1950s painter-style illustrations like Brian Wildsmith’s were common.[1]:233 History According to Aspects and Issues in the History of Children’s Literature from the International Research Society for Children’s Literature, the development of literature for children anywhere in the world follows the same basic path. All children’s literature, whatever its current stage of development, begins with spoken stories, songs and poems. In the beginning the same tales that adults tell and enjoy are adapted for children. Then stories are created specifically for children, to educate, instruct and entertain them. In the final stage literature for children is established as separate from that of adults, having its own genres, divisions, expectations and canon. The development of children’s literature is influenced by the social, educational, political and economic resources of the country or ethnic group. Before 50 BC Every people group has its own mythology, unique fables and other traditional stories told for the instruction and entertainment of adults and children. The earliest written folk-type tales include the Panchatantra from India, composed about 200 AD, it may be â€Å"the world’s oldest collection of stories for children†,though other sources believe it was intended for adults. The Jakatas, stories from India about the birth of Buddha, go back to the second or third centuries BC A few of these stories, particularly those where Buddha took the shape of an animal, would have been enjoyed by children. The source stories for The Arabian Nights, perhaps also originally from India, have also been traced back this far. As an example of oral stories that certainly would have been enjoyed by children, the tale of The Asurik Tree goes back at least 3,000 years in Persia, now Iran. The greatest ancient Greek poet, Homer, lived sometime between 1200 BC and 600 BC. Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, Homer’s work contributed to the development of all Western literature, including that for children. Between 750 and 650 BC Hesiod told stories that became a major source of Greek mythology. Irish folktales can be traced as far back as 400 BC. These stories of witches, fairies and magic spells were preserved by storytellers traveling across the island. For centuries Ireland’s geographic isolation helped preserve them. 50 BC to AD 500 Papyri from the 400s AD tell versions of Aesop’s fables. In Imperial China, children attended public events with their parents, where they would listen to the complicated tales of professional story-tellers. Often rhyming, the stories were accompanied by drums, cymbals and other traditional instruments. Children would also have watched the plays performed at festivals and fairs. Though not specifically intended for children, the elaborate costumes, acrobatics and martial arts would have held even a young child’s interest. Smaller gatherings were accompanied by puppet shows and shadow plays. The stories often explained the background behind the festival, covering folklore, history and politics. Story-telling may have reached its peak during the Song Dynasty from 960-1279 AD. This traditional literature was used for instruction in Chinese schools until the Twentieth-century. Greek and Roman literature from this age is thought to contain â€Å"nothing that could be considered a children’s book in the sense of a book written to give pleasure to a child†.[15] However, children would have enjoyed listening to stories such as the Odyssey and Aesop’s Fables, since Aesop and Homer, along with the Greek playwrights were â€Å"at the heart of early reading and writing†[7]:37 in Greece at this time. 500-1400 The Panchatantra was translated from Sanskrit into Kannada in 1035 AD. The first children’s book in Urdu may be Pahelian by the Indian poet Amir Khusrow, who wrote poems and riddles for children in the 1200s-1300s.[1]:814 Buddhism spread in China during the early part of this period, bringing with it tales later known as Journey to the West. Chinese children would have enjoyed many of these stories of â€Å"fantasy, the supernatural, demons and monsters.†[1]:832 There are two schools of thought about children and European Medieval literature. The first developed from the writings of Philippe Arià ¨s in the 1960s and holds that, because children at this time were not viewed as greatly different from adults, they were not given significantly different treatment. Those holding this point of view see no evidence of children’s fiction as such existing in Europe during the Middle Ages,[17] although they recognize that instructional texts in Latin were written specific ally for children, by clerics like the Venerable Bede, and Ælfric of Eynsham. Those who disagree with Arià ¨s make several arguments, explained by Gillian Adams in her essay Medieval Children’s Literature: Its Possibility and Actuality. One is that just because a culture does not view childhood as modern Western societies do does not mean children’s literature cannot develop there. Another is that modern Western scholars have defined literature for children too narrowly, and fail to acknowledge what does exist. for example, they point to Marie de France’s translation of Aesop’s fables, and the Play of Daniel from the 1100s. Daniel Kline, in Medieval Literature for Children says modern and Medieval literature for children have common goals: â€Å"conveying the values, attitudes, and information necessary for children and youth to survive or even advance within their cultures.†Kline divides children’s literature in Europe during this time into five genres: Didactic and Moral, Conduct-related, Educational, Religious, and Popular. The debate on interpretaion aside, scholars cite this period as the time as when â€Å"many of the genres that continue to feature in writing for children emerge.†[21]:10 Examples of literature children would have enjoyed during this time include Gesta Romanorum, the Roman fables of Avianus, the French Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry and the Welsh Mabinogion. In Ireland many of the thousands of folk stories were being recorded in the Eleventh and Twelfth centuries. Written in Old Irish on vellum, they began reaching through Europe, influencing other folk tales with stories of magic, witches and fairies. 1400s During the Byzantine Empire the Bible and Chritian hymns and stories were popular. The takeover of Greece by the Ottomans meant the enslaved Greeks had to rely on songs, lullabies, and other easily shared methosds of cultural preservation. According to Vassilis Anagnostopoulos in The International Companion Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature, these verses constitute the first children’s poetry. An early Mexican hornbook pictured in Tuer’s History of the Horn-Book, 1896. Hornbooks appeared in England during this time, teaching children basic information such as the alphabet and the Lord’s Prayer. In 1484 William Caxton published Aesop’s Fables, followed by Le Morte d’Arthur in 1485. These books were intended for adults, but enjoyed by children as well. Geoffrey Chaucer’s writings were retold for children by the late 1400s, and often European printers released versions of Aesop’s Fables in their native languages. 1500s Russia’s earliest children’s books, primers, appeared around this time. An early example is ABC-Book, an alphabet book published by Ivan Fyodorov in 1571. The first Danish children’s book, The Child’s Mirror by Niels Bredal in 1568, was an adaptation of a book of courtesy for children by the Dutch priest Erasmus. Finland had Abckiria, a primer released in 1543, but very few children’s books were published there until the 1850s. A Pretty and Splendid Maiden’s Mirror, and adaptation of a German book for young women, became the first Swedish children’s book upon its 1591 publication. In Italy Giovanni Francesco Straparola released The Facetious Nights of Straparola in the 1550s. Called the first European storybook to contain fairy-tales, it eventually had seventy-five separate stories and was written for an adult audience. Giulio Cesare Croce also borrowed from stories children would have enjoyed for his books. Chapbooks, pocket-sized pamphlets that were often folded instead of being stitched, were published in Britain and spread to the United States. Illustrated by woodblock printing, these inexpensive booklets reprinted popular ballads, historical retellings and folk tales. Though not specifically published for children at this time, they would have been enjoyed by them. Johanna Bradley in From Chapbooks to Plum Cake says that chapbooks kept imaginative stories from being lost to readers under the strict Puritan influence of the time.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Utilitarianism A Moral Theory - 1885 Words
Utilitarianism can be defined as a moral theory that is generally considered to have been founded by Jeremy Bentham who was a 19th century English philosopher and social reformer whom the panopticon is also attributed to. At the center of utilitarianism is happiness, which is in fact the ultimate goal of all human beings. To be happy and promote happiness. According to classical utilitarianism, when a person wants to act in an ethical way, he or she should strive to bring about the greatest possible amount of happiness for the greatest possible amount of people. This idea is known the greatest happiness principle. A similar idea is that a person should always strive, if incapable of producing happiness, to reduce unhappiness. These ideas†¦show more content†¦In the examples mentioned, your personal relationships are of no importance- it does not matter how close you are to either party. The right thing to do would still be to mow the lawn for your sick family member. In Charles Darwin’s, The Descent of Man, he says that, The moral sense perhaps affords the best and highest distinction between man and the lower animals; but I need say nothing on this head, as I have so lately endeavoured to shew that the social instincts- the prime principle of man’s moral constitution with the aid of active intellectual powers and the effects of habit, naturally lead to the golden rule, â€Å"As ye would that men should do to you, do ye to them likewise†; and this lies at the foundation of morality. Upon reading this it is apparent that morality is intertwined in every aspect of our lives and nature from the smallest rabbit to the tallest human. The excerpt shows an understanding that morality is not just what is pleasurable, as utilitarianism suggests, but it also has to do with how we treat each other to attain the highest good possible for the greatest number of people possible. In the case of the sick family member, we’d feel good doing it, we’d hope they or someone else would do the same for us, and thus are treating someone the way we want to be treated. Ethics and its subsets intersect upon one another forming a beautiful union to show us that pleasure and happiness are
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